Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Here's the lowdown from today:

The Good:
  • "My girl" was beyond happy and proud when I shared my good news about her report card. I took her to the principal to share how proud I was of her. :) She told some of her favorite staff members and her former teacher too- "Mrs. Thomas cried when she did my report card because I did so good!" :) Oh, I wish I could share her smile with you- it was amazing! :)
  • My class continues to be so much better! I am very proud of them, and oh so thankful. They crack me up because they keep talking about our "old class" and how awful they were, but how much they like their "new class" now! :) Pride in themselves is really motivating them to keep being that "new class." I'll take it! :)
  • Our first Nook e-reader came today through Donors Choose! The kids and I are very excited to use it. I let them make me wish-lists of books they'd like to have on it. I purchased a few books tonight for it to get them started, and I'll do more at payday. This technology is really amazing! If you follow my Donors Choose page at all, you'll be able to see photos of the kids reading with it soon. :) I have one more grant for another Nook up- about half way there. I will be trying to get a couple more before years' end so that I can have enough for a small station.
  • It was a late start today due to some freezing rain early this morning, but we managed to get most of our lessons in for the day.
  • The kids loved giving Mrs. Sudano a baby shower gift today. I loved teaching my kids to give to others and think outside of themselves. I believe strongly in this!
The Bad & The Ugly:
Well, I was going to share the bad & ugly, but Rob says I better not. Big brother is watching. So on that note, "Hello Big Brother or Big Sister, whichever you are." :)


  1. Those are some great praises! Great news all around!

  2. LOL! Don't you just love it when your class finally gels and becomes cohesive and has some pride? That is the BEST part of teaching. :o) I'm so happy for you that you have that going on.

    And, WOW on the Nook front! That's amazing! :o) Congrats!

    Now then, if you need to share the bad and ugly, I'm all ears...;o)
