Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Birthdays begin again

This is the birthday week at our home! Rob's was last Friday. He & I headed off on a little weekend adventure so we didn't do his traditional birthday dinner then. We are having that tonight; he always asks for my homemade lasagna. :) Kind of predictable, but you don't hear me complaining. Barbara helped me get prepare my giant pan full of lasagna and in a little bit we'll be munching away on that and salad, homemade bread, and fresh fruit.

Tomorrow is our daughter's 20th birthday!!! Who can believe that much time has gone by since she was born?!?!?! Happy Birthday Barbara Rose! Your family loves you very, very much!! We are so proud of the young woman you have become and who are you learning to be!!!!!

Sunday will be Robert's 21st birthday. Once again, WOW!!!! How did these tiny babes I brought home get to be so old, and Robert now a legal adult!?!?! This young man texted me today to ask me if lamb and asparagus sounded good. He showed up at my school with freshly cooked (by him) lamb chops, roasted veggies, and steamed fresh asparagus. OH. MY. WORD. Can I say DELICIOUS???????????????? I have never eaten lamb before; it was yummy! This young man can sure cook! He went out and bought the food, went home and cooked it, and then brought it to school and even brought plates from home, silverware and everything, sat with me at my table and with my kids and ate lunch with me. SO SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so thankful for this family of mine! Thank you God for these blessings!


  1. What an amazing boy you have there! Amazing kiddos, really! :) That is so sweet that you he brought you lunch, all fancy-like too!

  2. You raised your children right, friend! I hope one day Lil brings ME food. :o)

    I'm chuckling about Rob's dinner, because most years, that's EXACTLY what B asks for. ;o)

    Happy Birthday to your family! :o)
