Tuesday, February 15, 2011

18, 20, 20

Those are the ages of the kids in our house. "Kids" is a relative word I guess. They are my kids and always will be just as I am still my own Momma's kid at 40 years old. :) I am smiling as I type because I remember when Barbara loved her birthday for obvious reasons, of course, but also because she loved being the same age as Robert for five days. Oh, how she used to torture him! Sweet memories! (Jessica, makes me think of you and that whole, "I was there when you were born" thing.) :)

Barbara had to work tonight :(, so Rob, Robert, and I went to McDonald's in hopes of seeing her for a second. She was working the back drive-thru window, so we bought Robert a shake, got back in the car and went through the drive thru just to shout "Happy Birthday" at her, drive through and tell her we love her and go home. :)

I'm continuing to walk. Tonight I noticed that we are slowly inching the distance up and the time. So this is pathetic to those of you who are fit & healthy, but I still want to share it. Hopefully you won't think less of me for being a fatso. :) In the six weeks since I started walking, I've doubled the amount of time and distance I was walking, and I've increased the number of days I walk too.

My :) List for today:
  • I made time for Rob & me this weekend. Paid a big price for it perhaps, but I am getting MUCH better about putting family and even myself first.
  • I continue to walk, drink more water, eat less.
  • I like making fun memories with our kids and Rob. I LOVED going to see the kids at McDonald's tonight, especially hollering Happy Birthday to Barbara through the order screen. :) hehehehehehe

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I LOVE it that Barbara would torture her brother for FIVE WHOLE DAYS. Hee hee. Jessie always loved it when her birthday rolled around because she was then within a year of me. ;o)

    I don't think you are pitiful or pathetic or anything else. What I think is you are a woman who has decided to take charge of her health and fitness and is doing absolutely as much as she is able. That is a wonderful goal and you are meeting it.

    Staying in shape once you are there is easy peasy, it's getting there that's the hard part, and you're doing it. :o) (I have to repeat those words to myself!)

