Friday, March 25, 2011

Thinking of You

Here it is again, the day of the year I like least. March 25. I tried to not think about it today, and had plenty of other not-so-much-fun things to occupy my mind at work. And I know it's stupid to say it here to you- like you can read a dumb blog in heaven. :) hahahaha That is funny to think of. :) You, up there, in some heaven-internet cafe. ;) I crack me up sometimes. :)

Even though you left us a long time ago you are still missed. This year your youngest grandson will graduate from high school. And though he doesn't "know" you personally, he wants to go in the military like you and his Papa. You influenced him somehow even though you were gone. Kind of cool, huh? I think of you often, even after all these years, but I'll be thinking of you more in the next few months as I prepare for the "baby" of our family's graduation and possible enlistment. Oh, how I wish you could know your grandchildren. I wish you could be there for Jessica and could know her daughter. I find myself mad at you again lately since Zoe was born. But, I know that's silly too.

Mostly I just think of you and wish you could know us and our kids and our husbands. But life is funny, God is good, and He has taken care of us.

Anyway, just a note to some dead dude in heaven to say you are still loved and thought of and missed even now so many years later.

With much love, your daughter,
Rebekah :)

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