Friday, April 29, 2011

A confession, happy thoughts, and other little bits

First, my confession. Please forgive me. :) I used to be a little judgmental of teachers who started counting down the days until the year's end way out in advance. I have to confess and ask forgiveness, because this year, that is me, sort of. I'm not counting out days, but I do know that I have been counting weeks for a couple months. I hate that, but it is what it is. In my defense, I will say, my counting is somewhat enhanced by the fact that in six weeks not only will I be saying "goodbye" to another group of children, but I will be saying, "hello" to my dear family back home and meeting my sweet niece for the 1st time who will be here at the same time for Matthew's graduation. And as for judging, I don't think I'll be doing that the next time I hear a teacher saying, "Only 179 days until the end of the year." hahahaha :) :) :)

I do love all my kids at school though, and there are a lot of them now. :) Something really nice was said to me today, and I hope you won't think I'm bragging, because HONEST, I'm not. I include it as one of my "I Like Me's" I do as per the instructions of Momma, Crystal, and Rachael. :) So ladies, here I go. A substitute bus driver was on one bus the past couple days, and today she called out to me as I walked by. She said, "I can tell you love these kids. I was watching you as you walked around out here, and it just shows that you really love the kids. I can see it all over your face." Made me feel so stinkin' good inside because I do love the kids at our school- a WHOLE LOT- and I am so glad it shows. Hopefully the kids notice that too.

We made pudding in a cup today as a Friday surprise for the kids. I am trying to do something each Friday afternoon for them to keep their spirits up as we are headed into testing insanity. The pressure is on, BIG TIME, and I want to protect them from that as much as I can, while hopefully motivating them to really try and do their best. A weird and difficult balancing act for sure! Our pudding fun was a bit challenged as we had to vacate the classroom for another classmate acting out, but we pulled it off without too much difficulty and the kids loved making pudding to take to other teachers. :) I always love teaching my kids to do for others and not just think of ourselves. Hope that life lesson sticks in their lives now & down the road!

I'm trying to come up with something fun and unique for next week, and the last week before EOG's, I want to do a dance-off sort of, kind of thing (I don't know, it sounds better in my head, and it's probably cheesy, but kids like cheesy). I am looking for inspirational, fun songs that will help them see how great they are and feel pumped up and excited and happy and all that.... Got any suggestions for me? The last day before testing begins, I am planning an EOG Carnival with review games and snacks and prizes and I hope to make it super fun but, of course, it will have to address learning objectives and have essential questions somehow for the visitors that are constantly criticizing.

Well, that's it for my rambling for now. Two grad school assignments to finish & submit by midnight. Rob & I are going on a lunch date tomorrow after he puts tires on my car, then groceries and grading papers/lesson plans. Church and a walk or two this weekend too. What are you doing this weekend? And if you can think of some good, clean, but pumped up kinds of songs for 3rd graders, leave me a note.

Beka :)

1 comment:

  1. Momma5:13 PM

    So excited that we will be together soon!
