Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Rollercoaster Day

Today has been a roller coaster kind of day for the emotions. Don't want to bore the one person who probably is reading. :) Don't want to bore myself or be a drama queen.

Let's just say I had to take Matthew to the doctor to help him get past the last obstacle to his admission into the Army. I'm about six million emotions wrapped up together, and it's a little hard to juggle today.

I came back from the dr.'s office to be greeted by a colleague yelling at me about my class and finding out that it was a big awful mess- suffice it to say true ugliness and that I am more embarrassed than I have ever been as a teacher. I keep trying to write about the day without saying anything I shouldn't or seeming like I'm just griping again. Best to just be quiet. Let me just say that some think I am not too soft or not strong enough or that I am a bad teacher- well they can take my class anytime. I doubt too many people would have hung in there this long, and I have dealt with a lot of stuff this year and still come back each morning. That seems like someone who is pretty strong and tough to me. I may look like a softy because I hug EVERY kid I know and most adults too. I may seem like I'm a big baby because I tear up and get so wrapped up in my kids, but I have been a momma for 21 years and a teacher for 17, and I have a firm hand and can be the bad guy when I need to be. I may not manage kids the way other teachers would, but I do get results.

So, I'm going to go crawl in bed with my best friend, cry on his shoulder, try to sleep a bit, get up and do it all over again tomorrow. Just, God, pretty please can tomorrow include no racial slurs, threats, chairs, physical attacks, stealing, cursing, or other yucky stuff? And if you could either keep the visitors away or help them to see the good in me and mine, that would be really, really nice and just plain refreshing too. Okay? Thanks!


  1. I love you girl!

  2. Oh, Rebekah. What a day. I can't say that I've been there with regards to Matthew and that situation, but I have been in that classroom with those students. I have. I have a girlfriend who has finally had enough, is tired of people judging her harshly and unfairly, and had a child stand up in the middle of her class and yell, "F--- YOU!"She'll be retiring at the end of this year. She's just done.

    It's SO hard to be a teacher and no one seems to see that any more. I'm sorry. You know you are in my prayers.

    Hang in there and BIG FAT HUGS!!
