Tuesday, May 03, 2011

just a photo of my "baby"

Matthew got his cap & gown today. He came home late from a JROTC event and asked me, "Do you want me to try this on for you?" :) I know it's still five weeks away, but here's a photo of our youngest son. He really hates getting his photo taken so his smirky smile made my day!
He almost died at birth and when we brought him home from the PICU a week later, the dr.'s told me he'd be a scrawny, puny, frail boy. I ask you- does this 6'5" young man look puny, scrawny, or frail to you? :) God has a sense of humor I believe! No matter what the future holds, we are so very thankful that we've had 18 terrific years with him!!!

Boy, I love this young man!!!! I'm also posting a photo someone posted of him at the last JROTC campout when they went rappelling. He loves to do that!
If you've got little ones, hug them tight; they grow up before you know what happened!

And though I know he'll never look at this, I LOVE YOU MATTHEW LANE THOMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. You must be so proud! What great photos!

    My internet at work is hit or miss on whether or not I get to comment on your blog, but I do get to still read the feed in Google Reader - thanks for sharing your stories! :)

  2. Thank you God for Matthew!
