Sunday, April 03, 2011

Dear Zoe

Dear Zoe,
It's been a while since I wrote to you. How could your Aunt Beka let that happen??? You will soon be two months old! How can you let that happen? :) You are growing up so quickly, and I miss not being there to see each little change you go through, each stage of your life. I'm going to miss a lot of that, but please know how very much your Uncle Rob and I ADORE you!!!!

Your momma and daddy took a video of you and daddy talking last night and put it on Facebook. Uncle Rob and I have sat and watched it over and over and over since then. You make us just smile and smile and smile. You are such a pretty little girl, and your smile melts my heart! I loved hearing your voice trying to talk to your daddy.

I cannot wait to hold you, and talk with you and see you smile. Your Aunt Beka is a silly, crazy lady, so I know I'll make you smile a lot. I imagine all the fun things we can do together when you are here and when you visit us throughout your life. Momma says someday she's going to let you come spend summers with us. Uncle Rob & I talk about the things we'll do with you, things like go to the beach, camp in the mountains, go watch baseball games, and take you out to eat at our favorite restaurants (the Thai place, Rio Grande, Elizabeth's, Applebees- oh I'll have to get you hooked on the hot wings there!). The bookstore will be a MUST every time you come! I'll do crafts with you, and Uncle Rob will play ball or go for bike rides with you. We can read together or do puzzles or play games. We can make playdough and bake cookies, and I will have to teach you how to make a big ol' pan of lasagna so you can do that for your mommy who loves lasagna!

Until you're old enough for all that, we'll have to be penpals. I'll write you here but I'll write you "real" letters too. I can make you handmade cards, and you can draw or paint beautiful pictures for me to hang on my refrigerator and at my desk at school.

Speaking of school, I have to tell you a funny story. I am a teacher, so is Uncle Rob. This year I teach third graders (they're big kids compared to you). They were the first people I told about you the day you were born, and they cheered with me. We were all so excited that you came, and they bug me all the time to show your pictures to them. They love you too. :) I got a little netbook for my class a couple weeks ago, and my students were fussing at me that I didn't have your picture on it like I do my own computer. So finally, I took a few minutes to load some photos of you on there for them. I forgot about it. The next day at school, the computer was sitting on the little cart and we were all working at our desks/tables, when all the sudden a big group of kids started RUNNING to the computer and "ooohing" and "aaaahing." I couldn't figure out what they were doing until one of them shouted, "Hey guys, it's Zoe!!!! aaaaaawwwwww!" The kids were sooo excited to see you again, and they think you are beautiful too!

I told them you were coming to see us, and they are thrilled. They cannot wait to meet you. I think they like you maybe more than me. :)

Well, as you'll learn about your Aunt Beka, I talk too much sometimes. I think I better go work on my lesson plans and homework for college. I love you Zoe! Very much!

Until we get to meet, keep smiling and talking. We have lots to talk about.

Love always,
your Aunt Beka

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