Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Whew, is it Friday yet?

Boy this has been quite the week already, and today was only Tuesday. Only.

Yesterday I got pulled into another drama at the soap opera, As the School Turns. Boy, do I hate drama! Nothing like being yelled at by a colleague!

Today's fun included getting slugged by a student amongst other "normal" daily fun.

Here's to hoping for some peace & quiet tomorrow. For us all!

My :) for today:
  • a cancelled staff meeting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How often does that happen? and YEAH!!!!!!!!
  • getting to pick up Matthew from school, go home and meet Robert and do the grocery run with them- THANKS boys for helping your mom!
  • time spent with my sons!!! I sure do love those two young men!
  • pizza from Elizabeth's Pizza- delicious!
  • sore legs- hopefully that means something is going on good inside them :)
  • my pants were falling off of me as we walked around the store- felt so nice to have to keep hiking them up :)
  • BEAUTIFUL clouds and the sun trying to peak through this evening as the boys and I came home from the store
  • a new MP3 player to replace the one that died- and I know this is totally silly but I like my new little player- when you turn it on, it says "Hello" and when you turn it off it says "Goodbye"- cool! :)
  • getting picture mail from my sister of my ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL niece, Zoe!!!! She is so pretty! I cannot hardly wait to see her!

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