Monday, May 28, 2012

yard pictures

Our hostas are really starting to fill in this area on the side of our house.  These hostas came all the way from my parents' home in northern Illinois. They moved with us from the rental home to this home three years ago.

This corner of our backyard was all lawn when we moved here.  I slowly have been adding stuff each year the past three years, and finally this last week I have finished filling in the whole corner.  I now have my very own butterfly garden; something I have wanted for a long, long time!

 My much loved lamb's ear plant has grown huge.  The bumblebees love it!

 a new addition this week- blanketflower

I found this today with Robert - bee balm.  It's a prettier, brighter purple than this picture shows.

I love this- Veronica- so pretty!!!

I've heard my parents talk about butterfly bush for a long time, and last year I finally found my own.  I bought two, and now it is blooming for our first time together.  I can't wait to see it all in bloom.

Last year's coreopsis spread to new locations, and now it is a neighbor to my echinacea.

Not a good picture, but tonight Rob and I planted three verbenum under the Japanese maple; hoping it will like it there and fill in that area.

I've eyed pictures of yarrow online, and today Robert and I found some.  I bought three- a pretty peach and two shades of pink.

White lavender

I've wanted a hydrangea for as long as I've been an adult.  The last couple years I have eyed them, but they're always so expensive.  I found this small one today for $13 at Lowe's.  That price I can do, so I finally have one. :) :) :)

I'm sore but proud of myself.  I'm trying to be more physically active.  Between Saturday and today I spread 25 bags of mulch out and planted many flowers.  I can't wait to see my garden each night and watch everything grow this summer, and especially see all the butterflies and hopefully hummingbirds that visit.

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