Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Just Say I'm Sorry!!!

I'm known for saying "I'm sorry" to everyone for anything, even (more often than not) when whatever I'm apologizing for isn't even my fault.

Well, it's obvious that gene or fault or trait or whatever it is didn't get passed on to at least one of my kids (actually more, but that's not the point here). This child has a real problem with saying those simple words, and he refuses to apologize when he has done something wrong. I knew this was an issue, but am seeing just how big of a deal it is or, maybe, just how stubborn he is! It's exasperating!!!!!!

Rob says it's a pride deal. Maybe that's what my problem really is, no pride at all! :) Ha! Ha!

Maybe he just feels that he has to make up for his mother apologizing too much, too often... He'll probably have to have psychiatric care someday for mental health issues related to his mom always "being sorry."

1 comment:

  1. Well, almost 36 hours later, the kid finally apologized!!! :) Now I feel better!
