Tuesday, September 25, 2007

It's a Calgon Kind of Week!

I'm running on so little sleep right now, and my engine is just about out of steam for the day. It's only 5:30 P.M., and I have interim reports to complete and a lot of other stuff to do for tomorrow too.

Today was my first "sick day" for this school year. Rob & I were up with a teenager issue (which is all I'll say here so my child won't be embarrassed or mad at me for exposing him/her to the world-smiles) until oh, about 2AM-ish last night/this morning. I got up for school @ 5:15 and called off work. Rob did the same and we kept said teenager home too.

In order to call off work, I had to go online and "call-in," then prepare the sub plans and folder and take them to school, lay everything out a sub needed, then go home, pick up a child and take them to school before I could come home and take a nap. It was after 9 before I climbed back into bed. Rob had to do the same only getting home a little sooner than me, lucky dog! :) And of course, being an insomniac, I didn't get much more sleep anyway!

When we got up we spent the day talking with said teenager, visiting our pastor and having some time with him, getting lunch out (compliments of the teenager), then repeating my "school run" again to pick up some stuff I needed to do work for school that is due tomorrow and then to pick up another child from school. Now Rob has gone to get the last child from school and we will be able to eat supper and get on with our evening.

My momma called me today also to let me know something she couldn't tell me last night with the other "upsets" of the evening going on- that my dad has something wrong with him. He has spent his day & Momma too at the dr.'s office and then the surgeon's and is now at the hospital getting tests and awaiting emergency surgery. My sister is in Michigan taking classes for her job (she's a pastor at a church in Rock Island), and is eight hours away from home right now. She may have to leave her classes early to get back home. Then there's me- I'm stuck here in NC and can't get home!

My boys have been butting heads again lately too, and Sunday evening was spent helping them work out their differences. I think they both just want to be in charge of themselves, and maybe the rest of us too. Boy, this "alpha male" thing is not fun as the mom of two teenage boys less than three years apart. They both know more than the other, and one is so insecure right now that the other one can't even breathe without it meaning "he thinks he's better than me...." And the other one can't see past himself to sympathize or "be kind" to younger/more insecure brothers.... Ugh!!!!!!!!!! Can I scream now? :)

Work has been a bit stressful too this past week, and I won't say much here & now, but I'm getting tired of the whole mess! I want to stick my head in the sand, or better yet, right now if I could just go away for a week or two to the mountains or the ocean and sit on a deck and read, snooze, take walks, read, snooze, snooze some more.... that would be so nice!!!!!!!!!

When we were "back home" I worked with a lady named Marty; she and I had a running joke about these kinds of days or weeks- they were "Calgon days." You remember the old Calgon commercials where the lady would say "Calgon, take me away!" and she would climb in the tub full of bubbles and all her troubles would just go away? Well, she and I even started passing a little trial size bottle of Calgon back & forth when we were having these days or saw the other one was. It always made us laugh.

Yup, this has definitely been a "Calgon"-kind of week! Is it Friday yet?

And, if anyone reads this, please pray for my parents- Pop's name is Paul Lane, and he's my adopted dad. Dad # 1 died when I was a kid (most people who know me don't know this), but I'd really like to keep Dad # 2 around a bit longer if I can.

Now, where's the Calgon? :) :) :)

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