Monday, November 24, 2008

a boulder, a pebble, a grain of sand- a lesson for rebekah

I grew up in the Midwest, land of the mighty Mississippi & corn. The closest I ever got to seeing the ocean was when my hubby & I took the kids camping at Lake Michigan- wow! that was amazing- water for as far you could see.

But that was nothing compared to a cold day in March 2005, when a not-so-thrilled husband took me across an unknown land called North Carolina to see the ocean both of us thinking "we'll never be back here again so we might as well see it now." That was one act of sacrifice Rob made for me, not too happily, but nonetheless he did it anyway as he knew how badly I wanted to see it.

WOW! Now THAT was amazing! The water was COLD and the sound was awesome! I even saw surfers out that day, which I thought was really cool. I didn't know people surfed anywhere except the west coast & Hawaii. :) :) :)

Then, a few months later we moved to North Carolina after all, and we spent the last of our moving money to take the kids to see the ocean & to visit the warship my grandfather fought on in WWII. All the way out there, one of my kids kept making comments about how it wasn't a big deal, just a big bunch of water.... until, he too saw it. I heard his gasp as he walked over the dune & the grass and saw the ocean for the first time.

What I learned that second trip is just how powerful the ocean is. I couldn't hardly stand up in the surf. Now I know I have lousy balance & that was a lot of it, and I'm not exactly a small or in-shape person & that was a lot of it, but still the waves have so much power to knock you down, pull you in or out depending on what they want to do. I've since read about riptides more too as I sometimes see the warnings for the coast about strong riptide currents... Yeah, those waves may be beautiful but they can be dangerous and deadly.

So, now, today I'm thinking about the waves and the ocean and their power. I've seen lots of pictures of places where the waves come in and slam into the rocks and create huge splashes of water. Where we visited the ocean, the water just rolls in and flows over the sand. The sand moves in and out with the water, not resisting, but just letting the water move it. There's a lesson here- a few actually, I think.

As we walked along the beach we found all kinds of broken shells and small pebbles, all worn smooth from the action of the water. Some were quite pretty, but they didn't get to be so smooth and beautiful though from just being that way. It was months and months, who knows maybe years or even decades of being washed over, slammed into, and worn by the water & waves. Okay, so maybe I'm weird, but I think about one of those pebbles or, wow- even a grain of sand that was once a big boulder perhaps. What did they look like before the waves came into their life? Were they just a big pile or a high, hard wall sitting on the coast somewhere? How far had they journeyed to get to the NC coast? What storms did they go through in the ocean before they landed on this beach? And what now of their life? In & of themselves, they are just some tiny little pebble or grain of sand, but together with the other millions of pieces of sand and pebble and shell, they are a beautiful beach where living things find a home and thousands of people come to see the glory (whether they know it or not- God's glory) and wonder of the ocean.

So, how does this apply to me?

I've been sitting here looking up verses about the waves & ocean & sand. Don't know exactly why except that I know there's a lesson here for me, that's been waiting for three years to come out.

I see countless verses in the Bible throughout the Old & New Testaments where it talks about how God controls the waves & the sea. He is the Creator, so it stands to reason that He controls them.

Sometimes, God creates the waves. And if I've learned anything about Him, it's that there is always some lesson, some reason for what He does.

Psalm 107: 25, 28-30 "...For he spoke and stirred up a tempest that lifted high the waves... Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress. He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed. They were glad when it grew calm, and he guided them to their desired haven..."

So, why would He put storms and waves into my life? Maybe it's because of something I've done- a natural consequence of my own actions. Maybe it's to get my attention focused back on Him or to remind me to watch Him more closely. Maybe it's because I need to rely on Him more and me less. Maybe it's because He needs to guide me to the "desired haven" & I can't get there on my own. Maybe it's because it's just life- yeah, that's probably often the case & I didn't see it at the time, but "life" happens to us all.

Here's what I do know. Those waves smash into the tiny rocks and big boulders & high cliffs all the same. Over time, those waves have a cumulative effect of weathering and wearing down a rock, or pebble, or even those giant cliffs. They get worn down, smoothed out, and made into something smoother, prettier and less rough around the edges. They lose their individuality in some ways, I guess, but they are able to become part of a whole that serves a greater purpose than that one rock or boulder by itself. I mean no one would go walking around on a beach made of sharp, jagged stones that would cut your feet- well few of us would anyway. And when the waves of life come, the small pebbles and grains of sand are able to just move with God's flow and go where He wants them to be.

I don't want to be a hard-headed, stubborn, self-reliant person that can't lean on God. I need Him to come weather down some more rough edges in my life (yeah, I know what some of them are & I'm sure there are some more He's just waiting to show me when I can handle it or when the time is right). So I guess that means that I ride some of these waves of life and go with it until this storm is over- be it a storm of $, storm of health, storm of hormones, or whatever. I guess it doesn't really matter if I even know the source or why it's storming does it? All that matters is that the great Creator is with me in it all, and He won't let me drown and that He'll use these rougher times to create a better, prettier, less jagged-edged Rebekah that can serve His purpose better.

God, once again I surrender the rudder to you. I don't like storms and difficulties, but I know You are with me even when I don't see You, feel You, or get the answer I want or think I need. Please guide me through these waves to the haven You have chosen for me. Help me to make it through without totally losing my cookies (yeah, there's that pride again, huh Lord?) It sure does keep creeping in there. I think that's truly the problem. It's not so much the storm as I don't want to lose control of my emotions or let others know that I'm not okay. I'm scared of being judged (have already been so by a few), don't want to "look" like less than a wonderful person.... Yeah, so that's the lesson here isn't it? I guess the sooner I swallow all that pride, the sooner this one will end. At least I hope so.

Until You guide me home in the end, I'm relying on You,


  1. Anonymous9:34 PM

    I think you have joined Jessica in the deep end of the pool. Some wonderful, thought-provoking, comments/questions here. So long as you keep up the conversations with God - which it is apparent you are doing - and keep searching for His answers - you will weather the storms - you will be the beautiful boulder, pebble, grain of sand - whatever God has designed for you.

    Love you!

  2. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Also - your writing is getting better all the time - keep it up
