Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Wedding


It's me again. There's a wedding today in Galena, Illinois. It's my sister's. Where am I? Here in North Carolina. God, do you know how much this hurts?

I know it's not about me, so all I can do is let the tears flow and ask You to bless the two of them. Give them a long life filled with joy, love, laughter, and You. Bless them with their hearts' desires and help them to grow closer to You and to each other as the years pass.

And on a selfish note, help me to get my "stuff" stuffed back in to its places here in a few minutes before I have to go to church. I kind of doubt that the parents of the infant nursery will want to leave their precious babies in the arms of a blubbering, hysterical, emotional idiot such as me.

Your somewhat crazy child,

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