Saturday, November 29, 2008

Apparently I am hopelessly outdated

Today as we drove home from the grocery store, one of my young people told me about a teacher (who shall remain nameless here) informing them about the legality of oral sex in NC. Let me say this was NOT the social studies or civics teacher where, though I would have been upset by this it would have at least made some sort of contextual sense. It was in a class where they had finished up their work and were just talking about stupid laws with the teacher.

Okay, I know I'm terribly old-fashioned in some ways to my kids and to one in particular, very out-dated, but of all the stupid laws a teacher could have talked about- THAT ONE????!!!!! UGH!

I was told, "We are almost adults Mom!" I know, but still that just somehow seems inappropriate to me. I don't discuss this or even hear this discussed amongst adults at the places I have worked. If I want my kids to know that, I'll tell them thank you very much. Who cares about that when we are supposed to be teaching them how to read, write, spell, communicate with others, think critically, make decisions, work cooperatively with others, know about the history of the world and about people.... Well, I guess oral sex fits in somewhere there- maybe it goes under communication or knowing about people... I don't know, but once again I'm very disappointed with the state of education. It hurts even more since I am an educator.

This stuff just brings me down. And it hurts to know my child thinks I am stupid, dumb, or weird to think this is out of line. Any time now, Lord, any time...

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