Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Giving Thanks

I taught my kids last week that Thanksgiving is two words- I know this is not news to anyone out there, but it is to a five or six year old, so give me a break. :)

So now it's my time to give thanks:
  • Jesus- yeah, there are not words enough to say thanks to Him, and though I can't just say "Oh thanks God" and leave it at that, well I could never write enough to say thanks to the Creator, the Savior, the One who knows it all, our Provider, the One I run to in the good times & the bad (oh, especially do I bug Him in the bad)- Let me make You proud
  • love- Jesus', my family's, my students'
  • family- my parents (living & gone) that loved me, raised me, and supported me all these years of my life so far; my husband who has stuck with me through it all and still is; three wonderful children of my own who have taught me lots about life & about God; a sister who loves me & now a brother-in-law to meet in a few days who will hopefully like us
  • a job that allows me to provide for my family & that allows me to use the talents He gave me to their fullest (well, maybe not this year but normally)
  • all the hugs, smiles, waves, and more I get daily at work- these make even the hardest day better and some days just what I need to get through another day. It means so much to me to know that I mean something to a child. Let me always mean something to a child, and let the love I give away grow a hundred-fold in their lives to bring them to You and to a wonderful life.
  • food in the house (I am ever so aware of this blessing as we didn't always have a full cupboard or frig and though I didn't starve or come anywhere near close, Rob & I both know what it's like to go hungry to feed your kids)
  • a warm place to live (We've lived in some crummy places and seen some "interesting" things, so I'm thankful for such a great rental home and one that is way warmer than what we lived in while in Iowa!)
  • in just a few short weeks, our OWN HOME, our 1st home, a nicer home that will be OURS!!!!! (again, I could write a novel about this, but will just say thanks!)
  • nice vehicles (wow, yeah, only those who have known Rob & I for years would completely understand this one- how far God has brought us from the days of the "white trash teacher car" to now having two new vehicles!!! That is a miracle from above!)
  • clothes to wear & not be going around completely showing my ugliness - the world says Thank You also God :)
  • the world which shows its God-given beauty in so many ways- from new, green leaves & grass (there is no more beautiful green in the world to me than a field of new winter wheat) to the splendor of autumn's color show, to fresh-fallen snow (not messed up yet by us people), to the mountains which stick their heads up and point the way to heaven, to the prairie which spreads its beauty out filled with gorgeous wind-blown grasses & wildflowers, to the gentle grace & fragile beauty of a butterfly opening its wings ever so lightly as it drinks from a flower, to the ocean which ebbs & flows at His hand and constantly thunders (I believe God's praise) & has such power in its grasp, to the sunrise & sunset- each day we have a beautiful painted canvas above us to enjoy, one that is unique and not to be repeated ever again
  • all the times God has been with me in my still not-too-long life- if I were to list those, well I couldn't. I can't think of a time when God has not been with me. Just times when I felt like He wasn't or didn't see Him there, but then I always get further down this road & look back and can see that He really was and He really cared for me even while I was questioning, sad & scared, stressed & overwhelmed, definitely not at my best, He never left my side
  • freedom- what more can be said than that- freedom is such a gift & I know that I was blessed to be born in a land where we are free to come & go, say & do what we please, choose our own futures/spouses/residences/lives
  • memories of many good times & even the bad as they help me to be more appreciative of the good
  • true friends- though I've only had a few that were really good & "true" friends to me & they or I have come & gone from each other's lives- I am thankful for their friendship- Tanise, Deb, & Amanda and Sue all from Rock Island will always hold a place in my heart. Here in NC, I came to adore Kristen & we were such a great team, though I miss her daily I am so thankful You allowed our paths to cross for those two short years

God, if I died today (not that I want to die today) I would die a blessed person, and I can't let temporary circumstances get the better of me and make me less than I ought to be. Thank You for all these blessings and so many, many more that I could never list them all.

Happy Thanks-giving God. Thank You for all You are!


  1. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Happy Thanksgiving hon! Wish I could be with you but we can look forward to next year when you will be in your own home and we can gather around your dining room table for a feast like only you can prepare and then I can beat you at Scrabble (well at least try to beat you). You will let me win, won't you.

    Until next year - Happy Thanksgiving and I LOVE YOU!!!!!

  2. I love my momma, and I miss her terribly. I will try my best to be happy tomorrow for I am truly thankful for so many, many things, but it will be a hard day for me.

    Happy Thanksgiving to my family, near & far!
