Saturday, January 10, 2009

an empty hand

I'm feeling a little low. My heart is burdened and sorrowful. I see so much hurt and ugliness in the world, especially towards kids and young people. I sometimes feel like I can't take it anymore. I start to say, "I don't want to care anymore God." But before that idea can even fully form in my brain (let alone actually come out of my mouth), I take it back. I wouldn't want to not care, not really. No, I couldn't be like that.

It's just so hard, God. I know You know, so much more than I could possibly ever understand. I guess this must just be a tiny piece of what You feel on a daily basis???

It's a little humbling to give so little to people and it be so much to some. Rob says there is a line in a Sammy Hagar song that says, "And empty hand reaching out to someone, an empty heart, takes so little to fill." It's very true. It hurts to know that children/people I know have so little good in their life, especially when I look at my life, my family, my home. I am so blessed, and again, humbled.

Why God? Why do some have more blessings and others so little to look forward to in life? Why am I so blessed with love & a good family? Why God, do some people hurt their own children so deeply and wound them so much? How can something You created be so ugly and destructive? How can something that has so much potential go so far from what You created us to be? Why did You really have to give Adam and Eve the choice? Part of me wishes You never would have.

I know You understand where all these ?s are coming from. I know You'll not be angry at me for You see my heart and know where my feelings stem from and that I only am distressed at the hurt in the lives of the children/youth I know. Thank You for understanding me, Father, even better than I understand myself. Thank You for blessing me for whatever reason; I so don't deserve it.

Please, Father, please help me to find a better way(s) to serve the people You've placed in my life and to help light a candle in their hearts somehow through my love, my action, what I say and do. Let me give a little hope in a dark place.


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