Thursday, January 06, 2011

tonight's not-so-deep thought

just journaling a quick thought for tonight. i am dead tired and should be in bed already.

when told "you better bring your 'A' game as some kind of perceived, bully, stupid threat, it's best to just walk away.

for "their" information- i bring my "a+ game" EVERY SINGLE DAY i show up to work, and i don't do it for them or ANYONE but God and those kids. if that's not enough of a reason, than i don't have a clue what is. i could go on, but i'm hushing and going to sleep. my "a" game needs to get it's beauty sleep because the inquisition is coming.


1 comment:

  1. I always hated it when people expected us to put on a dog and pony show for visitors. I was always doing my VERY best. I get it.

    Hang in there and keep your chin up!
