Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Love the kids, everything else- eeehhh

Just popping by very quickly to say hello. I hope you are having a great first week of 2011.

I was very pleasantly surprised so far this week by my student's excellent behavior! Usually the first few days back after a longer break are a bit like the beginning of the school year. I wasn't quite sure what to expect in third grade, but figured I'd have my hands full as I normally do even on a good day. Well, what do you know- my kids are behaving WONDERFULLY. Not sure if it's "just" God (insert BIG cheesy smile here, Momma) and the prayers I have going up for me or if the gum that I've been offering at day's end has been that big a deal, but whatever it is, I'll take it!!!! Let me tell you though, God works in mysterious ways, and last week He put the gum in my shopping cart, so I will give Him full credit if gum is working wonders. :) hahahahaha

The kids, I love! I enjoy the laughter, the teasing, the hugs, and helping kids learn. The other stuff that goes with teaching now, well it's not so hot. But what's new. :)

I'm drained, still have a HUGE stack of papers to grade that I didn't finish over break plus assignments from this week already stacking up. Benchmarks are rolling in soon, plus now we have more assessments "they" are going to require of us, so the crazy busy time is almost here again. :( In another week, it will be benchmarks, PEP's, report cards, and a bunch of other assessments.

In other exciting news- ha!- I start the next grad class this weekend. This is the last one in this pilot program. I will be receiving a math license when it's done. :) I'm going to be applying for student loans to finish the master's degree. Please pray that I can find a way to fund it as it's only five more courses I have to pay for. But, then again, it is five more courses to pay for when you can't even pay your own bills in the summer. I know God will help me if it is in His plan.

I have some other things on my mind, but they're not mine to share. Please just pray for someone I care about; God knows who it is and what the situation is.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, the "Christmas Miracle" at work. ;o)

    My kiddos were always SO happy to get back to their "normal" routine they were as good as gold. Sure, they reverted to their usual little selves before too long, but for a while, it was wonderful. :o)

    Prayers for you, of course! Good luck with that grad class!
