Saturday, September 27, 2008

Another Round of 1st's & Lasts

So begins the "beginning of the end" with Barbara. Another BIG year for me- Barbara's last concert, Barbara's last swim meet, Barbara's last year of high school....

And then there will be the "first's" that come with the "last's" too. Today was a first, my first time to go shopping for a dress for homecoming/prom... Of course it was my first and my last time for that as she's my only daughter, but it was just the tiniest taste of what it might be like someday when she is engaged. OH MY!

She has saved the last of her summer job paychecks to buy a dress and the other items needed for this. She is running for Homecoming Queen, and will find out Friday night at the big football game. So she & I went out today to find her a dress.

Here she is trying on the dress she ended up buying. Next weekend, I'll post pictures of the big fun this Friday.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:50 PM

    She looks beautiful! My! Where did our "little girl" go?
