Saturday, June 06, 2009

Barbara's Graduation

Today was another wonderful day for our family. We missed the ones who couldn't be here a lot, but we are too blessed to wallow in self-pity. So for the two grandmothers and anyone else who would like to see, here is our Barbara Rose at her high school graduation!

Barbara graduated Cum Laude. She wore a yellow honors stole for the National Honor Society. She had a cord & medallion for the Beta Club- another honor society. And she wore her white IB stole as an IB candidate (we will know in the summer if she passed her IB exams...)

Dad stood behind being silly as always. :) Robert is there in the background with friends and the youth leaders from his church who came to graduation to be there for Barbara.

This is Vicki & Terry Wagner, a couple from our church, who came for us at the last minute when we found out my parents couldn't be here today. Though they could never and did not take their place, it was so nice to have Godly friends from church who would take time out of their day for our daughter!!!
This is Jenny, one of the youth leaders from Robert's church. They really love my kids; I just cannot say enough about these three leaders! They will never know until maybe when they are parents, how very much they mean to me!!! Oh, and I should say something about the silly teenage boys making faces and bunny ears behind the girls. Boys! :)

Barbara and Ms. Weinkle who taught both of the older two at Smith- a wonderful teacher who has become a friend. Scott and my sister are behind them- Scott is taking photos. :)

Our family

Thank you God for a beautiful day with good weather. Thank you for family who loves us dearly from so far away. Thank you for church friends who love us in You and would take time to come help us celebrate. Thank you for a wonderful teacher! For the laughter and smiles I see in the faces of my family that I love as I look at these photos- my husband & my children's smiles make me smile in a way no one else can. Thank you for this beautiful baby girl you gave to us so many years ago, who has grown into this beautiful young woman that I am ever so in love with and so very, very proud of! Thank you for a wonderful day for her, for helping her complete this chapter in her life and helping her as she opens the pages of the next one. Keep her ever in Your book and show her the wonder and beauty of the book you've written for her so that she will never want to put Your book down, but immerse herself in it all the days of her life.
I love you God for who You are, and I appreciate You for these many, many blessings and so much more than I could ever say.
With a heart brimming over with love and thanks,
Rebekah :)

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