Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Day # 2

Today was another "snow day" for us here in central N.C. I am beginning to wonder if we'll go back at all this week. :) NOT that I'm complaining though, that's for sure! :) The community college was closed, and Robert didn't get work today at his day job so we were all home together- aaahhhh, so nice!

So today, I still woke up at 6:30 or so; my back was killing me. I came into the living room, stretched out in the recliner and fiddled around on the computer- checked emails, facebook'ed, and played some solitaire. I showered and put my jammies back on, and had a WONDERFUL "pajama day." :) :) :) When everyone got up, we had a very, very late breakfast and hung out in the living room together, fiddling on computers, playing video games, talking, watching t.v, laughing and joking and being our silly selves.

This afternoon Barbara hung out with me in the kitchen while I worked on paper projects. I tried my hand at making Valentine's cupcake wrappers and toppers. I LOVED my little toppers!!!! I went ahead and listed a set in my Etsy store. I posted more photos on my other blog page, but wanted to share these photos just 'cuz they make me happy. :)
I don't know quite what was with me, but I had a strange experience today. I was a little short this morning. I wasn't mad or upset, but twice I heard my voice snap and thought, "Why are you sounding so grouchy? You're not mad. What is your problem, Rebekah?" I told Rob that I just felt strange- not mad or upset, but a little uptight kind of, but not sure why at all. He said maybe it was just stress. ???? I tried to relax & take a nap this afternoon, but was really wound-up, almost hyper. My brain was going a bazillion miles an hour, and I just felt very, very restless. It was kind of creepy and funny at the same time. I kept itching and feeling like a bug was crawling on me or something and was humming tunes, dancing around as I worked, and such. Barbara and I had lots of laughs at crazy me. :) After three or four hours of that silliness I started to feel more normal. Weird!!!!

I talked with my Pop today too. :) That was very nice!!!! I know he won't read this, but I enjoyed talking with you, Pop. I love you and am so thankful for you!!!!

Matthew worked a short shift at McDonalds this evening; it was slow so he was off early. :) We are watching Johnny English, eating munchies and just having a quiet night together. I am SOOOO thankful for this time together. We are snatching as many "five of us" moments as we can so they will be wonderful memories we can all cherish if/when Matthew leaves in a few months' time.

So that was snow day #2; and yes, we are out again tomorrow. I cannot believe it, but it's true! :) And, NO, I do NOT plan to go in to work tomorrow. I am going to stay home and try to do some of the college and work things I should have probably done today. And maybe I'll try taking that nap. :) Maybe. :)

Rebekah :)

My list for today:
1. I can apologize when I am wrong (and even when I'm not, right family?) :) I know I apologize too much (ask my family, coworkers, boss, they'll all tell you). But I was glad that I quickly realized I was being snappy and told Rob what was going on in my head. And that was the end of the short tone. The grouchy just went away when I realized it and told him; and then the hyper, restless, crazy, silly side came out. Go figure!
2. I am learning to do things for me- part of what started this whole card business was trying to find something to do that was fun for me. :)
3. I ADORE my family!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's it for today.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the crazy world of NC! Snow days are fun, aren't they? I'm sorry you have to take them as personal days, but there is nothing quite like sitting around in your jammies, doing nothing in particular and being with family. :o)

    The cupcake toppers are SO sweet! I LOVE them! :o)

    The weirdness? At least you were able to laugh about it. Me? I get in one of those moods and just get more and more peevish. It's terrible and I hate it and I KNOW I'm doing it, but I can't seem to stop. :o(

    Your list? Yes, I apologize WAY too much. :oS My mom was ALWAYS telling me when I was little, "Stop apologizing, you didn't do anything wrong."

    Even when someone is hurt by something I didn't do, I'll still say, "Oh, I'm SO sorry." Their response is usually, "Why? You didn't do anything." But, what I mean is, I'm so sorry they are having to deal with it. My empathy is on overdrive and I "feel" everything. Maybe you do as well? You seem to from what I "know" of you. We're "kindred spirits" a la "Anne of Green Gables". :o)

    Enjoy today--you deserve it!!

