Monday, January 10, 2011

"Snow Day" - ahem ????

We were out of school today for bad weather, but the weather didn't come until about 2:30, and now at 11 PM we have maybe an inch of snow/ice. We are out again tomorrow. Rob & I decided to go to our classrooms for a very short time (I have to work, lose pay, or make up the hours on these days, and Rob is taking on another course and losing his planning period so he had some things to do to be ready). So the kids and I went to lunch and then headed to my room. Barbara helped another teacher, and my boys helped me clean out the fish tank, mail the HUGE pile of graded papers, and rearrange the tables and kids' desks. THANK YOU my young people!

A big box came from my sister, and we were finally able to get it from the post office since we were off. My sister and brother-in-law had sent us some Christmas and other goodies. They got Matthew this "mohawk hat." I think he really likes it- he's been wearing it much of the evening. :)

He HATES to have his picture taken, but I finally got him to cooperate (well, Rob did actually) and got a decent smile. He's cute! :) I love his smile!
Rob & I cooked chicken tetrazzini together tonight, and we've just hung out, and laughed and joked and been silly together. Rob and I also went for a walk after supper in the snow. I have to be careful as I'm normally very clumsy, and have broken my ankle on black ice before. We just walked a few laps around the school's parking lot and came home. The wind was cold, but it was nice to hold my hubby's hand and walk in the snow together. Robert got to come home from the restaurant early since it was dead- YEAH! Rob and Robert ran to the grocery store and got stuff for a yummy snow day breakfast for tomorrow and munchies for us all.

I'm hoping to actually sleep tonight- the insomnia has been kicking in a bit, and especially the past two Sundays- no big surprise there I guess. :) So last night I was up most of the night.

And, boy is this hard, but I promised. :) I need a name for this maybe. IDK????

Today's "trying to like myself items":
  • I make people laugh.
  • I can laugh at myself (which I think is good).
  • I am a good cook.
  • I like to learn new things.
  • I am sticking with my exercise (even walked in the snow today!).


  1. OMGoodness! I LOVE that hat!! :o)

    Isn't it funny what will get you out of school here? LOL! We had a two hour delay for our county today and there was literally NOTHING on the ground...Oy.

    Hm, I'm gonna give the I LOVE ME thing some thought. :o)

  2. Love Matthew's hat! Glad you had some time with the kids and Rob.
