Thursday, January 13, 2011


Well after four days of "inclement weather" days, we are finally going back to school tomorrow on a late start! A coworker asked me today, "How's your spring break?" hahaha I have to admit, I'll be crying later when we make these days up, but it sure has been nice being all together the five of us- sleeping in, movies, games, pajama days, vegg-ing out! As for school, I sure hope my kids are the wonderful group that came back from Christmas break! :)

Rob & I started a crock pot of chili this morning, and he drove me to school before going on to his school. We worked a half day, and then he came and picked me up. He wanted to make sure I could get into the building safely and not slip on any ice as we'd heard that the parking lot was awful yesterday. He's a good guy and after all these years still loves me and looks out for me! Think I'll keep him around for another 20+ years. :) We came home, went for a short walk up in the school's lot where there was no ice, and then came home & took a short hour nap (I can't do that very often; it was so nice to snuggle up in a dark, cold room under all the blankets!)

I got very, VERY stressed tonight after reading an email and just felt this overwhelming impression (God's voice) that I should get up & pray. So I called my Momma and asked her to pray in agreement with me, and just began to tell God everything He's already heard from me over & over, but I did it anyway. THANK YOU Momma for praying with me and listening to me and talking with me afterwards!

I have my lesson plans rearranged for tomorrow, and I'm going to make a recording sheet for tomorrow's capacity exploration. Then I'm going to go to bed and try to sleep!

My "list" for today:
  • I know I am nothing without Jesus & His love.
  • I still hear His voice which means I am not lost. (I know, Momma, I know!)
  • I made some coworkers laugh today. I like making people laugh. :)
  • Rob & I made a good pot of chili today! YUM YUM YUM!
  • I took care of me today- I took a short walk today before the ice started forming again! I took a nap today! And I am going to shut this off and head to bed soon.
Please pray for the family & friends of one of Rob's fellow teachers. She died this week while receiving her first chemo treatment. She leaves behind one young adult son and I'm sure many others who loved her. This is the second teacher we've known who has died in the past month.

1 comment:

  1. First off, I'm glad your ILM list is back. :o)

    Second, I hope today went smoothly for you. I always enjoy a delayed opening. :o)

    Third, I'm glad you had your Momma to pray with you. What a blessing.
