Monday, September 10, 2007

A Full Rich Day

Well, it's the end of a "full, rich day" as one of the characters on M.A.S.H. says.

I spent most of the afternoon yesterday working in my classroom doing cleaning and reorganizing that I had intended to do this summer, but never did with summer school and family things to keep me busy. My storage cabinets are better organized, and I only have my desk to organize (it's at least stashed well now) and one tub of teaching materials inside a cabinet to finish working on. The room looks better, though much more bare, in my opinion. Oh well. Rob said maybe I can go back later and put things back up, but I don't think I will. It was too much work to put things up and get it arranged, and now that I've taken it all down, I think it will stay that way. Besides if the county wants only 20% of the walls covered, then that's what they'll get (or as close to it as I can get without totally sacrificing my teaching needs). I can't handle not getting good/perfect "marks" on everything I do (yes, to my sister, I am being a perfectionist). I'm still pretty upset with myself that I wasn't "up to perfect caliber" when my principal came through the other day. I feel like I let her down and mostly it bugs me that I wasn't perfect on some stupid piece of paper that will sit in a cabinet and be in my file. I realize that it's not that big of a deal, and I'll be over it in time, but I'm not there yet. Lesson for me to work on, I guess. :)

Oh well, other than that, the Board of Ed came through today, but it didn't impact most of us too much I don't think. Thank God for that!!!!!!!!!!! My students were surprisingly good today after having a weekend following two short weeks. They're starting to get the routines down better, and it was actually a nice day. I even made it to the Y tonight!

My only frustration is that our van broke down again tonight. And it's a repair that we paid for and had fixed at the end of May/early June. AAARRGGHH!!! If it can just hold off for a few more months, Please God, please, we've almost got it paid for. We're almost there, we're almost there.... That's my new mantra. I use it when I'm walking/swimming and feel like I'm going to die, when I'm balancing the checkbook & paying our bills, when I'm worried about my kids and being a bad mom... :) Smiles- I'm a nut!!!!!!!!!

Well, it's now 11 PM, and I need to get to bed. We're now down to one vehicle so that will mean an even earlier morning and a longer day the next few days.

Goodnight God! Thanks for everything You do for us, even if I don't see it.

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