Tuesday, January 01, 2013

2013- Page 1

I don't really set resolutions for myself; I am too wishy-washy about those things.  But, over the last year, I have been working on becoming healthier, and I begin this year a pant/dress size smaller than last year and forty pounds (maybe more- I never used to let the dr.'s office weigh me) lighter than last year. :)  That thought makes me happy, very, very happy.  I've never lost and KEPT weight off.  I usually lose it and then gain it and more back, but I'm losing slowly and keeping it off.  That was my goal, and I'm accomplishing it slow & steady.  Like the tortoise, I am finally believing, I can win this race. :)  You have NO idea how powerful that feels to me for the first time in my adult, obese life.

So in this chapter of my life, I hope and plan to keep working on that healthier me thing.  I hope to end the year smaller in size and lighter on the scale and would like to be able to be more physically active.  I long for walks in the woods with my hubby, and oh, how I would love to go hiking in the mountains! :)  That's a someday goal, but still!

Other things I want to do/achieve/try this year:

  • continue to work on my masters' degree- This time next year, I will be about to start my last semester I hope, and I am planning on graduating in May 2014 if my classes all fall into the schedule. :)  That means half-time graduate school this year while working full-time, running an after school club for kids, working on the side for Donors Choose, serving my grade level as chair & being a teacher leader too- oh, and being a wife, mom, daughter, sister, aunt, and having a life perhaps. :)  It promises to be a busy, full year! :)
  • in October, I started sharing/creating/selling learning materials online at Teachers Pay Teachers and in December, I opened up a shop at Teachers' Notebook too.  I'm nervously excited about growing in this ability, and praying I can make a go of it.  I hope to really learn how to do this better and supplement our income as well as helping other teachers.
  • find more time for me- to read, to make cards and sew and learn new crafts and go for walks, rides and talk with my hubby, call my parents, go to movies with my kids, spend the night at Robert's apartment, etc.  Life is going by too fast, and all I have to show for it is my work.  I ADORE my children I teach; they mean the world to me, but I need to do things for me and for my family too.  That is one area I REALLY need to improve.  So I hope to just get away with Rob more- sometimes just getting out of the front door and walking at the park or going to a local museum, but sometimes maybe a weekend camping trip (oh, I hope we can do that more), or a night in Raleigh or Charlotte.  In an effort to do things for Rebekah, I also want to continue to learn new sewing skills/techniques and improve my sewing skills- later this month I am getting together with my cousins and sister for a weekend mini-cation and we are going to craft, sew, cook, eat, and laugh.  My cousin, Pam, is going to teach me how to sew zippers and help me learn how to properly quilt so that I can finish my big quilt top I made for Rob and I.  I am sooo excited!!!!
  • This last one is most important to me- I read this quote that has stuck in my head for about two weeks now- "Sometimes, it is better to be kind than to be right. We do not need an intelligent mind that speaks, but a patient heart that listens." I am praying that God will help me to live my life with this in mind.  I am going to ask myself each day, "Did I listen today, truly listen?  Was I kind or right?"  And that includes being kind to Rebekah (which my family, friends, and colleagues will tell you is who I am hardest on).
I could set more goals, but those are the things that are most important to me, the things I've already been working on and feel are important.  I think that life changes are best done (for me, at least) in slow, steady changes and progressions, so I'll just keep up doing what I have already done to change and improve myself and keep myself moving down the path.  I am happy with where I am going, and hope to get further down the road to wherever this journey is going to take me, but for sure to a  healthier, smarter, better me.

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