Saturday, January 05, 2013

Family time

I love my kids!  :)

Today the young people and I all met up at the house and headed out to see the Hobbit. :) I was so excited to be with the kids- all of them- and to see that movie!!! We made a little "memory" that will be a joke for years to come at Robert's expense.  I had to make a bathroom pit stop during the movie.  When I came back and was sitting back down in my seat, I didn't see Robert stretching his long legs (and he didn't see me sitting down apparently), and somehow he kicked me in the face.  Got me right in the eye- glasses went flying down two or three steps in the dark, and my eye felt like it was bleeding.  I was kind of stunned, couldn't figure out what hit me; he was stunned and apologizing like crazy (like his mom). :)

One of the boys got my glasses for me, but they were so banged up, I couldn't wear them.  Watched the rest of the movie with not so great vision, but thankfully it was a big screen and I didn't really miss anything important.  Rob was able to bend the ear and nose pieces back into place enough to get me through until Tuesday when I have to try to get excused from an after school meeting to get to the eye dr.  I have a small cut on my eyelid and am waiting to see if I will end up with a black eye.  Boy, am I going to tease that son of mine if I do!!!! hehehehehehe

The rest of the day was just normal- menu planning, lesson planning, and working on teacher materials for my store.  I'm starting learning contracts with my kinders this week, and I try to differentiate a lot, so I'm knee deep in all of that.  Shoot, I have to pay the bills too- YIKES!  Better get on that now!

Happy weekend!
Beka :)

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