Tuesday, January 01, 2013

New Year, New Beginnings

I saw this on Facebook, and it really spoke to me about a way to view each new year.  It's a new book, what will I write on the pages of my year?  I hope the year's book will be a good read when it's done, and I close the page (God willing) in 365 days.

I've stepped away from blogging and have missed it.  I got in a rut with my emotions, felt like I was just wasting my time, boring myself and anybody who might visit with my ramblings.  I've heard lots of comments about people who blog and how it's so egocentric, and I soooo don't want to be conceited or thought of as stuck on myself.  But then I remembered that I started blogging not for people to read my thoughts or to get followers but as my own way to journal my thoughts, to share memories for down the road....  I am not an eloquent speaker or writer, but I can just jot down my thoughts, things I want to remember later, share photos for myself to cherish...  I need to do this.  Some people journal in a notebook, and I can't seem to stick with that for some reason or other- every time I try, I stop.  I was journaling here pretty regularly, and then just stopped.  Time to get back to it. :)

So with that in mind, here I go.  New year, new chapter in my book.

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