Friday, January 04, 2013

2013- Page 4

Friday- my favorite day.  Today I worked super late in my classroom- moving furniture, reorganizing the library area, getting things straightened up and looking through my teacher books and resources to plan our very first kindergarten learning contracts for this school year.  I sure hope my little ones are ready for this level of self-management!

I am way too old and have too crummy a back to be moving large bookcases and pieces of furniture; you'd think I'd learn this lesson eventually.  But here is what I have to show for my hard evening's work- a beautiful library area for the kids on Monday morning.

 Here is the whole library corner plus word wall.  I've got baskets for alphabet books, math books, science, and poetry on the floor (I wish I had tons of shelves here).  You can't see them, but on the small bookcase, I have baskets for many different characters the kids love- Curious George, Franklin, Little Critter, etc.  I color coded my author study books and put them in the red & blue crates; I hope to really get the kids into author studies now in this last half of the year.

Now to lesson plan, pay the bills, do my Donors Choose work, and finish those pj pants. :)

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