Tuesday, December 28, 2010

aaahhhh, that's nice

I am so enjoying this break away from "reality." Last night, I slept in the recliner since my back has been bothering me again, but Barbara and Matthew slept downstairs with me- a little campout! :) That made my night!!!! We slept in this morning- so nice! Just one of the perks of having older kids/teenagers/working young adults!

Robert, as always, wanted to go somewhere- we tease him, but he seriously has some ADHD-ish traits! So he, Barbara, and I went out. I spent my Michael's gift card (thanks Brooks family!!!), then we hit Petsmart and Hobby Lobby- paper, stamps, and ribbon were ALL 50% off! WooHoo!!!

I came home and cleaned out my ribbons and put them in the new basket I bought today and then made some cards this afternoon. I bought some pretty Christmas paper and made a couple sets of small cards and put them away for next year. I am hoping to try participating in some craft bazaars, sales, etc. this next year, and I need to make things ahead of time and get my stock built up quite a bit. I have a bunch of paper cut and ready for tomorrow- birthday cards, snowflake cards, and sympathy cards.

This evening found me taking Matthew to his friend's house to hang out/spend the night. They live on the far side of Winston- about 35 minutes from here, so I had a nice ride.

I still have two bags full of papers to grade- yuck!, paperwork to take to school tomorrow- I need a signature for grad school, guided reading books to fold and staple for next week, bills to pay, and some other paperwork to do for home. Break is going fast. I am going to hate going back, but I am thankful for the time off to rest and be with the ones I love!

1 comment:

  1. I've always maintained "winter" break is for the teachers, not the kids. WE need the time to rest and recuperate, not them. ;o)

    I'm so happy you are getting some rest and enjoying your time off. :o)
