Thursday, December 30, 2010

Hello Snowmen!

The snowmen came out to visit today! :) Not all of them- our house is not really big and already pretty crammed in, but I put out many of my favorites and enough to brighten the house up. :) I lit up some candles, and Rob started a firelog tonight too so it is so pretty and cozy in the house tonight!
My newest snowman came from my son, Robert, for Christmas. See him up there? He gave me the neatest standing snowman, and he is there by my fireplace!

This little snowfriend came all the way from Illinois compliments of a friend of my momma's! :) Thanks Marvetta!!!
I love this one too! He has a place to put a tealight in his tummy.
Not a good photo- I apologize! I wanted to share them though- the one says, "Jesus loves you snow much." The other one is a music box.
This snowlady has been with me for a while now. She has a neat sign that says, "In the meadow we can build a snowman." She has travelled with me from northern Illinois to Iowa and now NC.
I must have been breathing in this one too as it's blurry. Silly me! These came from my husband and kids a few Christmases ago- love 'em so much!
A gift from a former student in Illinois, this little lamp is so neat!
So there you go! I do love snowmen! :)

1 comment:

  1. Beware, now that I have your address, one night I might sneak down and snitch your collection. ;o)

    They look WONDERFUL! I usually leave my guys up for a while--typically into February, but well, they came down with the rest this year. I really miss them and am wondering what in the world I was thinking.

    Oh how I love me some snowmen. :o)
