Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas photos

So these pictures are not necessarily in any particular order, but I wanted to share some photos for our family back home.

We had a wonderful Christmas! I told my family all month long, that since this was looking like it would be our last Christmas all together for a while perhaps (Matthew is enlisting in the Army upon graduation in June), ALL I wanted was to have a good Christmas with my family and to make lots of good memories. We did, and God even sent down a little snow on Christmas- a white Christmas in NC!!!!! Wow!
We all worked together to cook a nice meal. Rob was getting the duck ready to roast. We have never had duck before, so we were excited but nervous. Turned out delicious!!! It was nice all working together to cook.
Even Samson "supervised" as we worked. :)
While our duck roasted, we vegged in various places. Barbara did some reading. I know I'm her momma and all, but she is just a beautiful young lady! How did the little girl we had grow up into this young woman??? For that matter, how did I get old enough to have this young lady?
I don't know if this house will ever get "old" to me, and honestly, I pray that the gratitude and appreciation for having a home of our own NEVER wears off! It took us so long to be able to buy a house, and even now, approaching two years later, I still have to remind myself that we don't rent anymore, that we have a place that is ours, that this pretty home is really ours! I actually own and live in a nice place- nothing fancy or big- but JUST right for us!
See that snowman up there by the fireplace, on the right? Robert got me that for Christmas! I LOVE it!!!!
After we had exchanged gifts with each other- we gave Samson a small bone treat for Christmas. We gave Cinnamon (our cat) a catnip mouse toy, but he was too drugged and hyper playing with it to get a photo. :)
Rob read us the story of Jesus' birth and led us in prayer.
Robert seemed really surprised when he opened up this gift and saw the binoculars he'd been hoping to buy himself. :)
Barbara gave me slippers which I had been wanting badly since mine died on our camping trip in October. :)
I know I'm partial, but I think Matthew has the BEST smile! This is the shirt his sister gave him, and he loved it. He was laughing himself silly at what it said- "I suffer from cruel and unusual employment."
And these two are peas in a pod- we've often referred to them as "the twins"- they are alike in many ways, except that one is more vocal and loud in expressing herself, and one is a VERY tall. :)

One of the things that was so nice to see this year was my kids getting into giving to each other without our coaching/coaxing. This year they all have jobs, and they were excited to buy for each other and there were lots of conversations about what they wanted to do for each other or "hmmm, I wonder what___ would like..." And they were generous with each other too! So nice to see as their mom!!! Made me feel proud of them to not just think of themselves and what they want for Christmas!

Rob and I had a fun game of Super Scrabble on Christmas Eve while two of the kids were working. I won, and he was a good sport. :)


  1. What WONDERFUL Christmas memories you all created! :o)

    Your Barbara is beautiful. You're not just a biased mama, lol. ;o)

    I'm ready to snitch that snowman from you to add to my collection. Hee hee! What a thoughtful gift.

    I think the best part of this post for me was reading about the kids buying gifts for one another. That made me smile SO big! I look forward to my girls doing that some day.

    You are a blessing to so many, and are blessed to have such a beautiful, loving family. :o) Thank you for sharing them with us!

    hugs to you!

  2. :) Rach, you just made me SMILE!!!!! Good days are coming to you. I thought I'd be a horrible mother to teenagers, and I used to tell my momma how scared I was. Turns out, like every age, there are rough spots and bumps, and they can be hard. But, there are many more good things. So rewarding to see your kids "turn out" good!

    Don't know that I feel like I'm a blessing to very many, but it's a nice thought!

  3. Momma9:59 PM

    This pictures mean so much to me! I'm so glad you had such an awesome Christmas - even snow. God is good!

    I'm proud of the job you and Rob have done as parents and you have every right to be proud of those three! I SURE AM!!!
