Sunday, December 26, 2010

White Christmas

This is what greeted us when we came out of church. :)
We actually got to go home in a "snowstorm," at least by NC standards. :)
You forget how snow makes everything so different! It deadens the noises and transforms the world into a whole new place. With the school behind us and the lights from the shopping center & road close-by, the snow was really reflecting a lot of light. It was neat to take this photo of the house at 9 PM!

This is what we woke up to today- a winter wonderland!
This was the view from our front door- our bushes and the neighbor across the street- his house is almost hidden in snow-covered trees. Look how much the wires were sagging! If a big truck had gone down the street today, they'd have hit those wires for sure!
This is the view of our backyard from my kitchen.


  1. Oh, Rebekah, it's just GORGEOUS! Yes, I know exactly what you mean about the lightness of the sky during the snow, and the muffling of sounds. Ahhh, snow at night. :o)

  2. Momma9:55 PM

    These are WONDERFUL! I especially love the wreaths on the church doors and the scene when you first came out of church!
