Friday, December 31, 2010


Goodbye 2010.
  • You brought me one last 18 year old and one last senior year.
  • You brought me three working young people.
  • In this time, our oldest left the teen years and entered his 20's and graduated with his associates and started working in his profession. He had quite a year! :)
  • And our daughter finished her 1st year of college and began her second.
  • You brought us more medical bills and words I hated hearing, "He's okay, but he's been stabbed & taken to the hospital." Whew, that was scary!
  • You brought me a new grade to teach- hmmm....
  • You brought us the news that I would be an aunt. :) :) :)
  • You brought us another year with each other, another year of having Momma, another year of life with Pop in it. For that I am so grateful.
  • You brought us lots and lots of laughter too for which I'm very thankful! You brought us family for Thanksgiving and lots of family time at Christmas with each other- the five of us. I will always cherish that time together!
It's been quite a year.

Hello 2011.

You look to bring us even bigger changes, and I'm not sure how I'll take them all, but with God at my side, I know I'll pass whatever tests you have in store. Bring it on!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year, Rebekah! Here's hoping there's far more good than ick in 2011.

