Sunday, December 26, 2010

Winter Wonderland

So, I rode along with Rob this afternoon to pick up Matthew. He took me on a little ride through the rich part of the world near us. It is gorgeous in this neighborhood normally with all the trees and the little lake and beautiful homes, then add in the many pretty Christmas lights and now the snow! Oh, it was beautiful!!!!

LOVE this photo!!!

Rob is such a good sport- even turned around when I spotted the pretty wreaths on the red door all covered in snow. And Matthew got out and took the photos for me! Thanks you two!


  1. I'm literally SWOONING from the beauty of it! God's blessings are upon us both, aren't they? :o)

  2. Yes they are Rach, in so many ways! Life has been hard for us both in different ways, but He has still been good, and I am thankful. Now I'm ending the world's longest run-on sentence before we both cringe too much. :) hahahaha
