Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Goodbye 2008 Hello Life

Well, it's New Year's Eve. Here I sit. This will be another milestone for me. My first New Year's Eve without kids. They're all off at Robert's church having a lock-in with the youth group. I'm okay with it, mostly. :) It just feels strange somehow without my noisy, boisterous kids. Rob & I will enjoy the evening and reminisce together, play a game, watch a movie, eat some take-out Chinese. It will be a good night. And it will be good practice for the time that's coming down the road when they will really be gone and on their own. Little bits of me are starting ("starting " mind you) to be ready for that time, but mostly I'm so not ready for that moment, but I'm working on it. :)

And for tonight, I'm so thankful, so very, very thankful for a wonderful year and all that God has blessed me with.

Thanks God for 2008 and all it has brought, both good and bad, hard and easy, the ups and the downs, for all I've learned to appreciate, learned to deal with, learned to do, for these 365 days of life to live, love, and be here. I think (I hope) I'm a better person today than I was a year ago, and if You allow me another 365 days of life, I hope I'll be an even better person a year from now- one that is so much more like You than this girl sitting here tonight. I'm grateful for it all. This year was a gift from You to be alive, to have family, to experience many "mom 1st's," to need You and have to rely on You more. I'm not making any resolutions Father. You already know my heart, better than I even know myself. Please just help me to do what I need to do and let me live the days ahead in a better way, in a way that shows so much more of You and so much less of me. Help me to be like You.

Thank You God. Goodbye 2008. Hello life.

Rebekah :)

a great book to read

God Grew Tired Of Us: A Memoir God Grew Tired Of Us: A Memoir by John Bul Dau

My review

rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book is one of the best books I've ever read. Two summers ago, in summer school, there were a couple students who had come to the US from Sudan. One of these youngsters was having a very hard time from all she had seen and adjusting to this new home and culture. I had previously heard of the Lost Boys, but never really heard much. I started researching a little and reading about this part of the world. I rented the movie documentary of the same title, but reading John's story was even more inspiring and thought provoking.

I am beginning to have a better understanding about this part of the world, the conflict that has been going on there and continues now in the Darfur region of Sudan, and an even better apprecation of this land I call home.

John ends his book with his viewpoint about the US- its good & its bad, and his book encourages me to keep reaching out and helping others- helping families, and to never give up hope. Most of all it helps me to remember and appreciate the many blessings of being born in a country such as ours.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Twelve Days of Vacation- Day 3

On the third day of vacation my Savior gave to me, His Son for eternity. Thank You God for Your son, for the sacrifice You gave for me, for all mankind.

On the third day of vacation my family gave to me:
  • gifts under the tree
  • a delicious dinner
  • games and movies
  • and a day filled with fun & beautiful memories

Rob snuck out last night after our Santa run and left a little something on the door of the house we're trying to buy. Then he took me for a ride to "see something." He's so sweet!

Can you see the bow on the door? How about a closer view?

My kids were so sweet to me. From their own money earned at work and babysitting (Dad helped Matthew out with $ since he doesn't yet have a job) they gave me wonderful gifts.

Robert- a lighthouse calendar that he just happened to point out to me the other day & I admired- sneaky boy :)

Barbara- a snowman cup/plate/bowl, a wonderful fragrance oil diffuser, and peanut butter cups :)

Matthew- a book that is perfect for me!- God Grew Tired of Us by John Dau one of the "Lost Boys" from Sudan

Rob- two books that are also perfect for me as they are topics I'm very interested in- darfur diaries & First They Killed My Father and a stocking full of chocolate candy :)

But what made me even happier was the generosity I saw in my kids for each other this year. They gave each other great gifts that were thought out and took in mind each other's interests & likes. That made me happier than anything. I sure do love my kids!

Some of us took a short Christmas day nap after staying up late and getting up earlier. We talked to my momma & pop today too. Boy did I miss them, but I'm trying to stay focused on what I have to be thankful for, and that is so much!!!!!!!! Then together, we all did little parts to help cook a yummy Christmas dinner- a roasted chicken, Rob's delicious mashed potatoes, corn, green beans, and rolls. We all helped with clean up (including Samson who got to "clean up" the remains of the bird), watched an episode of Rob's Hogan's Heroes video he got from the boys, then had pumpkin pie & cookies while we played games. Now it's time to get some sleep. I hope to put up some pictures via Slide maybe tomorrow, we'll see.

It's been a wonderful Christmas, and for that I'm very thankful. This year, it has been much harder to get in the spirit and enjoy the month, but the joy of today did come and I have enjoyed being with four of the people I love most in this world.

I'm thinking today of some children I know who have hurt in their lives, for whom this Christmas might not have been so good, for certain adults who are hurting today. God, please be with them; encourage them and send someone who can show them Your love. Thank You for helping me to love even when it's hard. You amaze me with the way Your love can come in even when you don't notice it and how it can erase hurt and hard feelings. For that I am very, very thankful most of all as I don't want to go around with hard feelings and anger.

Father, be with those who don't have family at all, those whose family are far away and who might be homesick, those who are serving our nation in dangerous places and their families who must spend another holiday without their loved one. Help those homeless right here in our community Lord. Send them a warm place and food for today and a "light in the darkness." God, please be with the millions of people all over the world who are not in safe places because of wars and riots and persecution. Help me to be as aware as possible of all these hurting people and to find some way to help in some small way that would bring You glory and hearts to their eternal home.

Merry Christmas Jesus!

Rebekah :)

Merry Christmas

Thank you God for sending us your son! No gift on earth can compare to the ultimate gift you gave and the price you paid for us.

With a grateful heart this Christmas day,
Rebekah :)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Twelve Days of Vacation- Day 2

On the second day of Christmas vacation my family gave to me:
  • lots & lots of laughing
  • baking pumpkin pies & cookies
  • wrapping up our presents
  • snuggling with our dog
  • chili & baked potatoes
  • chatting with my momma & sister
  • and making me ha-a-a-ppy. :)

Today was another nice day. I woke up early, but not too early, did some blogging and played sudoku online until the family started getting up. Ate a healthy breakfast, made gifts for my godson, Noah, & his sister, Autumn, ran errands with Rob, braved Walmart one last time, chatted online with my momma & sister, wrapped presents, baked cookies and helped cook supper. Now we're watching Prince Caspian. Robert worked today so he's just now getting to wrap his presents.

In a little while, Rob & I are going on a "Santa run" to leave something to surprise some kids in the morning, and then we're coming home to get in bed before Santa comes here. ;) Oh, and that reminds me, I've been following one of my favorite blogs today too- Santa's blog.

But, most of all, I'm thankful for the first Christmas gift that was given so many years ago. How that single gift changed the world and my life.

Merry Christmas!

Rebekah :)

The Twelve Days of Vacation- Day 1

Okay, so call me silly, but this is what my insomniac brain came up with at midnight when it didn't want to go to sleep. Work with me people. :)

On the first day of Christmas vacation my family gave to me, a day of shopping & decorating the tree & being silly (well that's a given in our family isn't it?).

So here it goes in reverse order because that's how the pictures loaded:

  1. Being Silly

Robert was laughing so hard he made himself cry. The picture below is bad, but you can see he & I were cracking up laughing. That's why the picture is bad, I was shaking with laughter and couldn't hold still. Want to know why? Look below.

Jessica bought the kids (or the boys? I don't remember) these giant jawbreakers on a stick. Robert's been working on his for a few days, but last night he got well, ummm, "creative." When we looked at this picture, he & I busted out laughing!

2. Decorating the tree
This month has been an absolutely crazy month. At least one of us has had at least one thing or more every single night this month, and we couldn't decorate the tree because on any given night one or two of us (or more) were gone. You know me, silly about our tradition, I didn't want to decorate it and not have everyone here, so we just kept putting it off thinking we'd find a day to do it. I guess I'm going to have to get over that one soon as in the near future, I won't have all the kids here. Hmmmm, I'll do my Scarlett O'Hara imitation now- "I'll think about that tomorrow."

We finally decorated the tree thanks to Rob going and finding the ornaments. And so that Robert knows I am trying to be an honest person, he's not really hanging an ornament here, but posing since he did his ornaments before I got the camera out and I was whining about it. :) :) :)

3. Shopping
We had told the kids we didn't think we'd be able to do Christmas gifts this year. It really bothered me, so Rob & I kept a little cash back hidden in the event we went overdrawn to put in the bank, but if not to use for Christmas. Happily I got paid early & we didn't go belly-up at the bank, so Monday night after I got off work, Rob & I went out on a date, got some dinner, and did a little shopping. It's a "light" Christmas, but I'm thankful for something to give my kids. I didn't think we'd be able to, and I know many who can't, so I'm very grateful. And the really neat thing is the two older ones went out and bought gifts for everyone in the house with their own work $. Awww, they make me so proud. So I gave Matthew some $ to buy gifts too, didn't want him to feel left out.

Today's shopping consisted of:
  • Grocery run to Save-a-Lot with Barbara Rose

  • Walmart with the "B" to finish the groceries, to buy her some pants (long story, short- she's been going around in one pair of capris & one pair of jeans with holes in both hips & the crotch & having to wear shorts under them so she didn't show off her "parts". So one way or another, if I have to use my birthday/Christmas $ to pay for them, she had to have them. B did some shopping she needed to finish, and I snuck in some small stocking items while she wasn't looking. :)
  • After unloading & putting away all the food, fixing a quick supper of mini pizzas, Matthew & I took off again to meet Robert at the mall and all three get our hair cut. Robert joined us in the haircutting adventure when he got off work. While M & I waited on R to finish, we went to Waldenbooks- big mistake. I came out with "one more thing" for the kids, something for Rob (shhh, don't tell) and some books for me. So what if I can't pay the electric bill this month, we'll use candles to read our books. It all works out, right? :)
  • Robert needed ideas for the B's gifts, so he asked me if I'd keep him company while he shopped for her. So we went "around" and got her gifts from him & I bought her something else she needs, but I can't say here as I'm putting it under the tree.
  • Then we came home at 9:30. Whew! I was tired. Then Rob & the kids & I decorated the tree. Mostly I watched and took some silly photos. We watched "It's a Wonderful Life" while we decorated, talked, behaved silly-ily, and Robert ate.

So that is the tale of my first day of Christmas vacation.
Thanks God for such a nice day with my children and Rob.
Thanks for enough- enough $ for what we need a little of what we want sometimes, but not so much $ we wouldn't appreciate it. Enough food (we have plenty of that and never go hungry- been there, done that), enough time (maybe wish for more, but we always make everything work out the way it needs to), enough love (boy do we have that), enough good to be content, enough bad to help us appreciate the good, enough sleep to feel better & function like a half-human :), enough time with my family to keep me going.
Most of all, let me not forget to be thankful for You. You are enough to get me through. Through hard times, through health problems & silly woman hormones, through exhaustion, through work stress & disappointments, through life, through it all, and hopefully someday, through the gates of heaven.
It is really true- You are MORE THAN ENOUGH- in so many ways. Thank You for YOU! Let me not forget the true reason for these special days. Help me to stay focused on You through it all.
Happy Birthday Jesus. Merry Christmas world. Merry Christmas family! Merry Christmas friends!
Love to all,
Rebekah :)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

A Family's Love

I am soooooo thankful for the love of my family.

What a Week!

It's 5:45 AM, and I've been awake for a little while. As I was lying there trying to ignore Rob's snoring and my brain revving up into a million thoughts, I realized that my stomach was feeling funny. I laid there and after a bit, recognized the very beginning of the acid pain. So I quickly decided to get up, put some food and water in my stomach along with an acid pill and hope and pray that I beat it quickly enough to keep it from being all the way up my throat this time. Maybe if I can start to learn to recognize it more quickly like that I can deal with it before it gets so bad.

This was a great week in so many ways. The kids were wonderful; no they were not perfect, but WOW for all that we had going on and knowing one of their teachers was gone for two days- well they behaved terrific-ly. (Is that a word? :) Guess it is now.) I have never seen a school week packed with so many things- seriously. It was CRAZY!!!!!!!!!! Yet, we accomplished all we needed to get done- gifts for Elba, Melissa, the students' families, treat bags for staff & bus drivers & Mr. Paul, plus programs, the school Christmas store, finishing up my DRA assessments, a dance, a "Holidays Around the World" unit with the other K teachers, class store, and somehow in all that a few lessons too. :) Whew!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No wonder I was tired last night! :)

Spending time with other classes also made me realize, again, just how much I adore my kids. Not that I didn't know it, but as I taught a Kwanzaa lesson to a different class each day this week, I realized how special my group of kids are to me. My children probably weren't little angels to any of the other K teachers, and probably acted up in some way or another. I'm sure the other teachers could see the mistakes and faults I've made in their behavior & their knowledge, but I realized while they were gone in the other rooms that I could see the personality of my little classroom family, and it really struck home with me that I have a big influence on them. I can see my personality and silliness and the love in my group of kids, and I am so thankful for them and for the time I get to spend with them. I was so glad to have them back. I really missed them for that short thirty minute block they were gone. :)

Something bad happened yesterday though that put a black spot on my week. Why did a week that went so very well have to end with that I'll never understand. My heart is so very heavy. In the end, I have to examine my motives and my actions and try to justify them to myself, to the principal, and to the family. On Monday, I'll have to go speak to my boss and deal with this situation. The funny thing to me is for me to be told "don't fret; have a wonderful holiday...." (which I still will), but someone has said some pretty ugly things about me as a teacher and I will likely lose a student over it and it happens after such a wonderful week of school and after I was only trying to help and do my job, and I'm supposed to not fret???? All I can say is that whatever I do, I feel very deeply about life, people I care about, things that happen- good, bad, ugly- it's all done "with all that's in me." So if I care, I really care. How can I do any less than that? How can I make this not hurt and not bother me? And, shock of all shocks, but I have to admit that small though it may be, I do have some pride. This hurts my pride in my work. Another teacher will have to get in my business and fix the mess that was created, and that makes me sad, angry, hurt....

Oh, I'm such a mess of emotions and complicated feelings.

God, what a week it has been. Filled with so many, many good things, and I thank You for those. I thank You for being a teacher, for being a part of all these lives and being able to drop a little love into their hearts each day. I thank You for the love the kids give back to me. I thank You for all the kids (big & small) who come to see me each day & week to get a hug. I thank You for helping me & the kids & Elba to make it through an amazing week of activity and helping us to get everything we needed & wanted to do done. Most of all, I thank You for helping Elba's niece to make it through surgery without any major complications.

This week has also held a few bad things- this incident and the stupid dr.'s visit which made me feel even cruddier about myself than before. I owe you such an apology, and I am so truly, deeply, very sorry for not taking care of me and making this body such a hideously ugly & unhealthy one. I spent all my adult life taking care of all these kids in my life, and not taking care of me, and now I'm a mess of a person. There's no excuse for it; I just didn't do what I should have and for that I am sorrier than I can say.

Father, I have looked at the work situation so many times & in so many ways, and I feel so bad to have caused anyone pain and hurt and anger, but I don't think I have done wrong. But God, if I did, please forgive me.

All I know to do now is to ask You to pick me up, help me dust off the mistakes of my life (oh, they are so many) and help me to learn to do it the right way. I know I don't deserve Your goodness or Your help, but God I'm going to need it. Please help me to persevere through what I have to do and to not give up on myself. I never give up on the kids in my life, but I find it very hard to not give up on me. I want to honor You in everything I do, and this could honor You too, but I'll never make it without Your help in a BIG way. I'm a BIG woman Lord, and I'll need BIG help to make it over this BIG obstacle. :) See, even here I can find the humor; hopefully You're smiling at me too.

Please help the ones I've hurt to be made whole. Help them to find You. Send someone to them to show the way to You and to help them with all they are dealing with in life right now. Please help the principal to make the right choices that will help the situation, and allow a good relationship between home and school, teacher & child. Whatever is best for my little one, please bring that about. Please help me to swallow my pride and let someone else be involved if that is what is needed. It's not about me, and I need to remember that the child is first above all else.

And God, while I'm working on the big "O" could you help my stomach to quit overproducing the acid? This is just horribly painful, and it adds to my stress and raises the blood pressure. I'm counting on You God. My momma always told me that Your word was true, & I know it is. Your word says that ..." it will not return unto You void..." so I'm counting on You to be who You are- a merciful and forgiving God. If you can forgive Jonah for shooting off his mouth & defying You, if You can forgive David for adultery & murder, if You can forgive Peter for denying You & then go on to use all of these people for great things, then You can forgive big ol' Rebekah too. If You can help Moses to part the Red Sea, help Noah to build an ark & collect all the animals, help the Israelites to slay enemies when outnumbered and overwhelmed, help Peter to walk on water, help David to slay his Goliath, then You can help me to slay my Goliath which is my big fat body & my crappy low self-esteem. So here goes Father, "I can do ALL THINGS through You who strengthens me." I need some strengthening today Father.

Thank You for forgiving me for all this stuff. I'm gratefully Yours until You call me home.
Your Rebekah

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

New House 2 :)

Well, after some "issues" that were going to cost us more- $15000 more- than the bank would even loan us, Rob & I decided to look at other houses and see what we could see... So today our bid on a second house was accepted, and we signed the contract on this house.
So we think this will be the house we'll be getting in a few weeks. We have a home inspection on Monday, so we'll know more than, but this house looks MUCH, MUCH nicer on the inside and there are not nearly as many (hardly any at all actually) things we can see wrong with it. Rob found an inspection report on the house, and it looks good.

Cons: It is smaller, which will be a problem for us, but we'll make it work. Besides, in a few years more, we won't need all the space we do now.

the backyard looking at the house, the sliding door opens into the kitchen/dining area & lets lots of natural light into the room! the backyard is fenced in and even has another second fenced in area in the back corner so when we have company or cook out we could put Samson in there if we needed to

Pros: This house is a little cheaper asking price, and will be lots less (we think) in work, so we should have a lower house payment than the rent we are now paying. The house is in pretty good shape and looks like it was well loved and taken care of by its previous owners. I LOVE the kitchen in this house! :) There is a school right smack behind this house. Hmmmmm...... Since there won't be so much work to do, we should be able to move in sooner I hope.

So anyway, here are some pictures of this house for my family to see. Momma, Pop, & Sandy, Rob & I will keep you posted as soon as we know what's going on and as we go. You all know more about this house-buying stuff than us. :)
the downstairs bathroom which also opens in the first floor bedroom- not a good picture, sorry

laundry room (right off the kitchen/dining area)
When you walk into the front door, you come into the living room, and there are stairs right there and the door to the main floor bedroom there too... the carpet in the living room and the stairs will need to be either deep cleaned or replaced (probably replaced or partly replaced)

the upstairs rooms are almost 100% identical- the green room has two closets & the pink room only one- cute rooms with a window looking out front and one on the side

this is my favorite room in the whole house- it is one room, but the dining area is off to the side and there's lots more room in this kitchen than in any kitchen in any house or apartment we've ever lived in. nice, newer stove and a good dishwasher. the door in the picture opens onto the driveway. where i'm standing to take the photo is where the table would be and the sliding door is to the right

So family, hope this gives you an idea until we can take TONS more photos to send your way. Until then, enjoy this little view of what we hope we will be our home. Hopefully, God willing, this will work out in a few days/couple weeks and we can start actually getting ready to move. :) :) :)

Rebekah :)

Friday, December 12, 2008

Today my little one returned to school. I was so sad to know he is hurting, and to understand the hurt he feels as I felt it too, and to not be able to do anything to help him but hug him, pray for him, and wish I could take it all away and make his mom come back. I cried all the way to the bus lot, and tried to hide it well enough to get the kids on their buses.

Don't feel like much thinking, talking, or really much of anything tonight. Going to veg out.

But, this quote was in an email I received today, and I liked it.

Life is a gift to you. The way you live your life is your gift to those who come after.
I hope my life is a true gift to God, to my family, and to the children and families that I serve. When my time comes, I hope I can see from above that I touched lives and made an eternal difference in these lives.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Come to Jesus

In memory of M., a mother to one of my "kids" who "went to heaven with Jesus" this weekend (as her little boy stated it), and in honor of her little boy who came to Jesus today while walking with me back to the classroom from the playground. Please let her know.

Monday, December 01, 2008

A Gift to Myself

We had an impromptu family "date" tonight and all went to Starbucks. Went, as in, went in, ordered a drink, shared a piece of banana bread between the kids and me, and sat down and just gabbed, relaxed, hung out, laughed, talked, and just were together.

It was SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because of money, I made Rob promise me he wouldn't get me a gift for a certain birthday coming up. But tonight I thought that this could be my gift from them and to myself, and I can't think of a better present than this. It was really a lot of fun just hanging together there. Barbara & I shared this little fancy shmancy chair/lounger thing, and she played on my phone. Rob & Robert talked and talked. Matthew sat in the middle of these two groups listening mostly, talking a little, and sharing some of my drink after he finished his.

I had my favorite thing there- only one of two things I can drink at S'bucks- the Caramel Apple Spice! OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is there anything more yummy than that????

Yeah, this was definitely a gift, and a wonderful one. I ADORE my family with all that is in me, and there is nothing I like more than just being with them and relaxing, talking, joking, and cutting up with them. My hubby & kids have such great senses of humor. We are like a three-ring circus of one-liners, ditziness, clumsiness (on my part), and jokes. Just too much fun!

So, even though they never read this, THANKS family. I LOVE YOU ALL, and you really made my night!

Thanks God for this crazy group of family You gave me.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Christmas Tree Time 2008

On this chilly, foggy, rainy Sunday afternoon, the Thomas family went out to get a Christmas tree for what could be our last Christmas with three children living at home, and what we all hope is our last Christmas in someone else's house (as we hope to be moving into our own home in a few weeks' time).

I had to take a few photos, even if this isn't quite as nostalgic as it used to be or as exciting since by this time next year, I may be minus one or two kids at home.

Ever the clowns are my children!

Okay, I don't usually step out from behind the camera, and I definitely resemble a pig or something with a snout here, but oh well.

And, of course with Rob too.

Go Barbara Go! Proving once again that girls rock too! :)

Only our family would go out in the rain to get a tree, and only our kids would wear flip-flops in NC at this time of year- everyone else down here thinks we are nuts! Shhh, don't tell them we really are! :)

Without the van this year, we had to improvise how to get the tree home.

Everybody had a part except for me who just took pictures. :)

Now to find time to decorate this crazy busy week. Hopefully before our company arrives later this week. I hope, but Scott & Jessica, if you're reading this, don't count on it! :)

Confessions of a Former White Trash Teacher

Sorry to anyone who reads this and is offended at my lack of PC-ness. Sorry to my Momma who HATES it when I refer to myself that way & to anyone who doesn’t know me well enough to have heard my great “white trash teacher” story, but this one is just a silly nothing for me today. :)

The power just went out here for some as yet, unknown reason. Since I really should be working on schoolwork and being productive, but REALLY don’t want to, I decided to jot this down just to amuse myself.

Every once in a while the power goes out here. It doesn’t take much in good ol’ Greensboro, NC, for the power to go out. I don’t know what would happen if there ever were a real storm here, seriously. I try not to be a “weather snob” as we five Thomases have come to call it, but there is not much for weather down here except for heat in the summer. :) If you get a gust of wind, a clap of thunder, and two raindrops, people here think there is a tornado outside your door and you should go hide in the bathtub. (Just kidding to my southern friends, just kidding) And the power, seriously, does go out here anytime there is much wind at all or if we get a heavy downpour, but the power usually comes back on pretty quickly so no complaining here.

But I digress. I’m just wondering how far away from my “white trash teacher” days, as I call them, do I have to get before the first thoughts in my head when the power or water or heat goes out quit being, “Did I pay that bill? I know I paid that bill on time. Why did they shut us off?” Seriously, that is always the first thing that comes to my brain, even though those days are long gone and I pay the bills routinely on the first day of each month almost religiously. It’s funny how hard times, experiences, life, things just frame who you are as a person. I mean, here I am a school teacher, a mom of three almost grown kids, a secure in the middle class person, a responsible citizen who always pays her bills (even when I don’t always have the money, God helps me find a way), and yet those days of being poor and going without are just a part of who I am, and I’m guessing they always will be. Maybe that’s not so bad; it’s just kind of funny how that’s there.Wonder how many other confessions I might make if I thought about this very deeply, but then as I always say (much to the aggravation of my sister I might add), I’m not a very deep thinker. So I’ll leave that to her, crack wise about my poor days, and always wonder “Hmmm, didn’t I pay the power bill?” when the lights go out. :)

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Apparently I am hopelessly outdated

Today as we drove home from the grocery store, one of my young people told me about a teacher (who shall remain nameless here) informing them about the legality of oral sex in NC. Let me say this was NOT the social studies or civics teacher where, though I would have been upset by this it would have at least made some sort of contextual sense. It was in a class where they had finished up their work and were just talking about stupid laws with the teacher.

Okay, I know I'm terribly old-fashioned in some ways to my kids and to one in particular, very out-dated, but of all the stupid laws a teacher could have talked about- THAT ONE????!!!!! UGH!

I was told, "We are almost adults Mom!" I know, but still that just somehow seems inappropriate to me. I don't discuss this or even hear this discussed amongst adults at the places I have worked. If I want my kids to know that, I'll tell them thank you very much. Who cares about that when we are supposed to be teaching them how to read, write, spell, communicate with others, think critically, make decisions, work cooperatively with others, know about the history of the world and about people.... Well, I guess oral sex fits in somewhere there- maybe it goes under communication or knowing about people... I don't know, but once again I'm very disappointed with the state of education. It hurts even more since I am an educator.

This stuff just brings me down. And it hurts to know my child thinks I am stupid, dumb, or weird to think this is out of line. Any time now, Lord, any time...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Giving Thanks

I taught my kids last week that Thanksgiving is two words- I know this is not news to anyone out there, but it is to a five or six year old, so give me a break. :)

So now it's my time to give thanks:
  • Jesus- yeah, there are not words enough to say thanks to Him, and though I can't just say "Oh thanks God" and leave it at that, well I could never write enough to say thanks to the Creator, the Savior, the One who knows it all, our Provider, the One I run to in the good times & the bad (oh, especially do I bug Him in the bad)- Let me make You proud
  • love- Jesus', my family's, my students'
  • family- my parents (living & gone) that loved me, raised me, and supported me all these years of my life so far; my husband who has stuck with me through it all and still is; three wonderful children of my own who have taught me lots about life & about God; a sister who loves me & now a brother-in-law to meet in a few days who will hopefully like us
  • a job that allows me to provide for my family & that allows me to use the talents He gave me to their fullest (well, maybe not this year but normally)
  • all the hugs, smiles, waves, and more I get daily at work- these make even the hardest day better and some days just what I need to get through another day. It means so much to me to know that I mean something to a child. Let me always mean something to a child, and let the love I give away grow a hundred-fold in their lives to bring them to You and to a wonderful life.
  • food in the house (I am ever so aware of this blessing as we didn't always have a full cupboard or frig and though I didn't starve or come anywhere near close, Rob & I both know what it's like to go hungry to feed your kids)
  • a warm place to live (We've lived in some crummy places and seen some "interesting" things, so I'm thankful for such a great rental home and one that is way warmer than what we lived in while in Iowa!)
  • in just a few short weeks, our OWN HOME, our 1st home, a nicer home that will be OURS!!!!! (again, I could write a novel about this, but will just say thanks!)
  • nice vehicles (wow, yeah, only those who have known Rob & I for years would completely understand this one- how far God has brought us from the days of the "white trash teacher car" to now having two new vehicles!!! That is a miracle from above!)
  • clothes to wear & not be going around completely showing my ugliness - the world says Thank You also God :)
  • the world which shows its God-given beauty in so many ways- from new, green leaves & grass (there is no more beautiful green in the world to me than a field of new winter wheat) to the splendor of autumn's color show, to fresh-fallen snow (not messed up yet by us people), to the mountains which stick their heads up and point the way to heaven, to the prairie which spreads its beauty out filled with gorgeous wind-blown grasses & wildflowers, to the gentle grace & fragile beauty of a butterfly opening its wings ever so lightly as it drinks from a flower, to the ocean which ebbs & flows at His hand and constantly thunders (I believe God's praise) & has such power in its grasp, to the sunrise & sunset- each day we have a beautiful painted canvas above us to enjoy, one that is unique and not to be repeated ever again
  • all the times God has been with me in my still not-too-long life- if I were to list those, well I couldn't. I can't think of a time when God has not been with me. Just times when I felt like He wasn't or didn't see Him there, but then I always get further down this road & look back and can see that He really was and He really cared for me even while I was questioning, sad & scared, stressed & overwhelmed, definitely not at my best, He never left my side
  • freedom- what more can be said than that- freedom is such a gift & I know that I was blessed to be born in a land where we are free to come & go, say & do what we please, choose our own futures/spouses/residences/lives
  • memories of many good times & even the bad as they help me to be more appreciative of the good
  • true friends- though I've only had a few that were really good & "true" friends to me & they or I have come & gone from each other's lives- I am thankful for their friendship- Tanise, Deb, & Amanda and Sue all from Rock Island will always hold a place in my heart. Here in NC, I came to adore Kristen & we were such a great team, though I miss her daily I am so thankful You allowed our paths to cross for those two short years

God, if I died today (not that I want to die today) I would die a blessed person, and I can't let temporary circumstances get the better of me and make me less than I ought to be. Thank You for all these blessings and so many, many more that I could never list them all.

Happy Thanks-giving God. Thank You for all You are!

Monday, November 24, 2008

a boulder, a pebble, a grain of sand- a lesson for rebekah

I grew up in the Midwest, land of the mighty Mississippi & corn. The closest I ever got to seeing the ocean was when my hubby & I took the kids camping at Lake Michigan- wow! that was amazing- water for as far you could see.

But that was nothing compared to a cold day in March 2005, when a not-so-thrilled husband took me across an unknown land called North Carolina to see the ocean both of us thinking "we'll never be back here again so we might as well see it now." That was one act of sacrifice Rob made for me, not too happily, but nonetheless he did it anyway as he knew how badly I wanted to see it.

WOW! Now THAT was amazing! The water was COLD and the sound was awesome! I even saw surfers out that day, which I thought was really cool. I didn't know people surfed anywhere except the west coast & Hawaii. :) :) :)

Then, a few months later we moved to North Carolina after all, and we spent the last of our moving money to take the kids to see the ocean & to visit the warship my grandfather fought on in WWII. All the way out there, one of my kids kept making comments about how it wasn't a big deal, just a big bunch of water.... until, he too saw it. I heard his gasp as he walked over the dune & the grass and saw the ocean for the first time.

What I learned that second trip is just how powerful the ocean is. I couldn't hardly stand up in the surf. Now I know I have lousy balance & that was a lot of it, and I'm not exactly a small or in-shape person & that was a lot of it, but still the waves have so much power to knock you down, pull you in or out depending on what they want to do. I've since read about riptides more too as I sometimes see the warnings for the coast about strong riptide currents... Yeah, those waves may be beautiful but they can be dangerous and deadly.

So, now, today I'm thinking about the waves and the ocean and their power. I've seen lots of pictures of places where the waves come in and slam into the rocks and create huge splashes of water. Where we visited the ocean, the water just rolls in and flows over the sand. The sand moves in and out with the water, not resisting, but just letting the water move it. There's a lesson here- a few actually, I think.

As we walked along the beach we found all kinds of broken shells and small pebbles, all worn smooth from the action of the water. Some were quite pretty, but they didn't get to be so smooth and beautiful though from just being that way. It was months and months, who knows maybe years or even decades of being washed over, slammed into, and worn by the water & waves. Okay, so maybe I'm weird, but I think about one of those pebbles or, wow- even a grain of sand that was once a big boulder perhaps. What did they look like before the waves came into their life? Were they just a big pile or a high, hard wall sitting on the coast somewhere? How far had they journeyed to get to the NC coast? What storms did they go through in the ocean before they landed on this beach? And what now of their life? In & of themselves, they are just some tiny little pebble or grain of sand, but together with the other millions of pieces of sand and pebble and shell, they are a beautiful beach where living things find a home and thousands of people come to see the glory (whether they know it or not- God's glory) and wonder of the ocean.

So, how does this apply to me?

I've been sitting here looking up verses about the waves & ocean & sand. Don't know exactly why except that I know there's a lesson here for me, that's been waiting for three years to come out.

I see countless verses in the Bible throughout the Old & New Testaments where it talks about how God controls the waves & the sea. He is the Creator, so it stands to reason that He controls them.

Sometimes, God creates the waves. And if I've learned anything about Him, it's that there is always some lesson, some reason for what He does.

Psalm 107: 25, 28-30 "...For he spoke and stirred up a tempest that lifted high the waves... Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress. He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed. They were glad when it grew calm, and he guided them to their desired haven..."

So, why would He put storms and waves into my life? Maybe it's because of something I've done- a natural consequence of my own actions. Maybe it's to get my attention focused back on Him or to remind me to watch Him more closely. Maybe it's because I need to rely on Him more and me less. Maybe it's because He needs to guide me to the "desired haven" & I can't get there on my own. Maybe it's because it's just life- yeah, that's probably often the case & I didn't see it at the time, but "life" happens to us all.

Here's what I do know. Those waves smash into the tiny rocks and big boulders & high cliffs all the same. Over time, those waves have a cumulative effect of weathering and wearing down a rock, or pebble, or even those giant cliffs. They get worn down, smoothed out, and made into something smoother, prettier and less rough around the edges. They lose their individuality in some ways, I guess, but they are able to become part of a whole that serves a greater purpose than that one rock or boulder by itself. I mean no one would go walking around on a beach made of sharp, jagged stones that would cut your feet- well few of us would anyway. And when the waves of life come, the small pebbles and grains of sand are able to just move with God's flow and go where He wants them to be.

I don't want to be a hard-headed, stubborn, self-reliant person that can't lean on God. I need Him to come weather down some more rough edges in my life (yeah, I know what some of them are & I'm sure there are some more He's just waiting to show me when I can handle it or when the time is right). So I guess that means that I ride some of these waves of life and go with it until this storm is over- be it a storm of $, storm of health, storm of hormones, or whatever. I guess it doesn't really matter if I even know the source or why it's storming does it? All that matters is that the great Creator is with me in it all, and He won't let me drown and that He'll use these rougher times to create a better, prettier, less jagged-edged Rebekah that can serve His purpose better.

God, once again I surrender the rudder to you. I don't like storms and difficulties, but I know You are with me even when I don't see You, feel You, or get the answer I want or think I need. Please guide me through these waves to the haven You have chosen for me. Help me to make it through without totally losing my cookies (yeah, there's that pride again, huh Lord?) It sure does keep creeping in there. I think that's truly the problem. It's not so much the storm as I don't want to lose control of my emotions or let others know that I'm not okay. I'm scared of being judged (have already been so by a few), don't want to "look" like less than a wonderful person.... Yeah, so that's the lesson here isn't it? I guess the sooner I swallow all that pride, the sooner this one will end. At least I hope so.

Until You guide me home in the end, I'm relying on You,

Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Wedding


It's me again. There's a wedding today in Galena, Illinois. It's my sister's. Where am I? Here in North Carolina. God, do you know how much this hurts?

I know it's not about me, so all I can do is let the tears flow and ask You to bless the two of them. Give them a long life filled with joy, love, laughter, and You. Bless them with their hearts' desires and help them to grow closer to You and to each other as the years pass.

And on a selfish note, help me to get my "stuff" stuffed back in to its places here in a few minutes before I have to go to church. I kind of doubt that the parents of the infant nursery will want to leave their precious babies in the arms of a blubbering, hysterical, emotional idiot such as me.

Your somewhat crazy child,

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Meet a Miracle

Okay, so now that I've been all serious and journalled my guts out, opening myself up to show my true "ugly" side (boy I'm scared about being that honest), let me share this with whoever might come along. :)

You see that button to the side- the MckMiracle one? Well you should go visit this site! I "found" MckMama late spring sometime I think & have been reading her blog ever since. God healed her son- a true miracle- through the prayers of TONS of people who were also following her online. I know the internet can be used for a lot of creepy things, but God can use it too. Her baby, Stellan, was supposed to die in utero, was supposed to not make it, was supposed to maybe survive birth but have all kinds of problems, was supposed to have a severe heart condition. BUT, God took their lives in a whole 'nother direction, and Stellan was born and is now doing great at home- no problems, no death....

Wow, those two words- but, God- well, there' s no other words needed. In fact, that has me thinking about looking for other "but God's" in the Bible. Hmmm... Maybe that's just what I need right now. Wow, God you're amazing! I start this blog entry to enter
MckMama's Fryday contest, after blogging my heart out and being honest with You, myself, & a few people who read my blog, and then You show me something to do that is just what I need. God is truly amazing!

So anyway, go "meet" MckMama. If I hadn't "gotten fixed" that would have been me- four kids 3 & under! I had three kids under 3 at one point. :) Of course, I was not as "with it" as this mom since I was so young & poor & in college, but hey, I made it & they were awesome kids in their own right and now awesome young adults! :) Seriously, want to read some uplifting stuff? Go read about Stellan's short life but big journey so far!

Early Morning Reflections

It's early on Saturday, and I'm sitting under a blanket in the family room so I don't disturb the sleeping boy that's back here. :) I took this photo of the changing sky (I kind of liked the shadows in the picture) and can't get back to sleep so I am just thinking a lot of random thoughts, topped with being VERY VERY thankful for some sleep and sleeping in my bed too!

This post is going to be a mish-mash of personal stuff that will more than likely make no sense to anyone but me & hopefully God. I promise that I may be "a nut" and half crazy, but I'm going to be okay, just a mix of sleep deprived, hormonal, emotional, homesick, lonely, tired, disappointed.... riding along with THRILLED, EXCITED, GRATEFUL, THANKFUL, HAPPY, AMAZED, CONTENT.... Let me tell you these complete opposites of emotions make for a fun daily ride as I go up & down depending on the moment, situation, and I'm ready to get off this roller coaster ride. Only a woman could feel so many emotions at once, and though I'm grateful to be a mom, wife, & daughter, I could do without these emotions. I wouldn't mind having a man's more simple, one-track brain & hormones. :) :) :)

If you are a family member or coworker, please know that I going to journal here some very personal things I am going through, feelings, emotions, worries, disappointments. It is not my intention to hurt anyone's feelings, but to actually help my own by getting some "junk" out of me. I have been going through some things (maybe not serious or life threatening or as serious as what someone else is facing, but hard none-the-less) & I've been trying to deal with them just by talking to God, venting to Rob, and "sucking it up," but it's not working. I feel like I have to get them out of my system and that maybe if I put them here I will feel better. I started to not post this publicly, but it is my blog & I think I'm fairly transparent/darn near see-through to most people anyway & I am who I am, so I'm not going to hide this "ugly" side of me. I'm going to take a big risk, admit to everyone that I have some seriously ugly stuff in me, and put this out here and hopefully anyone who decides to read the whole stupid thing will understand me a little better and still like me and think I'm okay when they're done- well okay, I really want you to think I'm wonderful, tremendous, terrific, perfect..., but if you can just like me well, that's good too.

Thank you God for:

  • allowing my back to allow me to sleep in my bed 5 of the past 6 nights in my own bed which I haven't done in over a year now!
  • touching my back and helping it to finally begin healing!
  • medicine & You that let me sleep at least 6 hours each night of this week
  • helping me to get enough sleep to feel a little better physically this week
  • unconditional love- Yours most of all, even though I often doubt it, I'm thankful, so very, very thankful for it. I know someday I will see You- oh my goodness I can't fathom that- & then I will never have to doubt it or myself in Your grace anymore- I can't wait for that day as this Rebekah down here gets so old to put up with. She can be a real drag sometimes! :)
  • blessing us with our 1st home in a few weeks!!!!! This was a dream that many years ago I'd laid aside "for the moment" knowing I'd be able to pick it up in Your time, though I often doubted if that time would ever come. Thank You for letting it finally be Your time. Your time is always best, and though I sometimes don't keep that in mind, I do know You know what is best for us. There have been a lot of disappointments and frustrations along the way, but I'm so thankful that You've been with us in it all and are here with us in the good too. I almost feel guilty for being blessed. I know that's silly and another way I'm a bit crazy, but it's just a feeling and I'm going to take the blessings and run with them. I know they'll be other rainy days ahead too and days when I don't feel blessed (had lots of those in the past and recently), so I know it's okay to take a blessing and just be thankful. You can be sure Rob & I will use this blessing to bless others however we can! I can't wait to move in to this blessing! THANK YOU GOD!!!!!!!!!!!
  • my wonderful husband. Wonderful just doesn't do him justice. He hasn't always been so wonderful, and we certainly have had some very rough spots in this marriage of ours, but I'm so thankful for him. Thank You for leading him into my life so long ago. He's been my best friend and through all of the physical stuff these past few months I'd never have made it without him standing with me. I know I have You, but I think You will understand what I mean. You're "here" & are my rock & the One I cry out to and try to live for and I need that more than anything, but You don't come down "here" and hold my head when I cry, squeeze my hand at a dr.'s appointment, listen to me... in the physical way that He does. He is being Your servant by doing those things & taking care of me, and I thank You for giving him to me to be here for me in the bad as well as the good. I know You'd be proud of the way he has been here with me.
  • Little Things- that maybe really aren't such little things after all such as
  • beautiful lawns, woods/forests, fields filled with fallen leaves- that is one of the most beautiful things in the world to me- colorful leaves all over the ground
  • a child's smile, laughter & hug- my classroom is filled with it and it makes things right on even the worst days- it brightens my days, my life & I'm a better person for it
  • a November snow- another thing that just thrills me for some strange reason- November snows rarely ever stick or stay long, but they are just exciting- back home a promise of more to come, here just a reminder of memories of home, childhood, happy days & though Your birthday has absolutely nothing to do with snow of course, a snowfall makes me think of & feel like it's more Christmas-y. I know God, I'm truly a nut, but You made me. :) I hope at least once in a while, I bring a smile to Your face. Wow! That would be so neat to know I somehow made the great Creator smile. :) That's pretty deep! I truly do wish that I would bring a smile to Your face often. Which brings me to the down part of this ride I'm so very, very sick of.

The yucky emotions & swings I keep having the past couple weeks are so tiring Lord. I could really do without these. :) All I want is to please You. I so desire to be one of these people who despite what they go through always just "show" You to those around them. You know what I mean. People that just sing Your praise & glow and people sense You in them. I'd like to think I was one of those people, but I'd only be kidding myself. I know I'm not.

I just can't stand myself Lord. I don't know how to even stop this self-hate, let alone like me.

Friday, November 21, 2008

NC's version of snow in November

We woke up to a light snow on the ground in November!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks God for a pretty blanket to wake up to, only You & Rob know how much this means to me!

Rebekah :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

our new yard in the fall

Well, okay, I recently posted photos from "our yard" which isn't actually "ours" as we rent. BUT, these next photos are going to be our yard- for real. :) And this is how it looks in the fall this year. :) Next year it will even better because we'll be there, living in it. :)

So for now, here are a few photos of the house we signed a contract on today- our first home. 20 years, & 3 months -1day from our wedding, Rob & I are finally being blessed with our first home. :) THANKS GOD!!!!!! You couldn't have given this to two more grateful people!!!!

Here is the new house (soon to be our house) from the corner as you approach. :) It has several big, TALL trees in the back and is a good size city lot (which I'm happy about!)

Here is the house from the street.

Closer view- LOVE the lamppost!!!

covered car parking port thingy- sound like Barbara Rose now :) & the gate into the fenced off backyard

This part of the backyard is right off the house- there is a door from the laundry room out to this enclosed part. The privacy fence needs just a small amount of repair. There is more backyard behind this fence, several large trees, a rusted out shed (maybe we can replace down the road), and this chain-link fenced in area with a small dog run which is all overgrown now, but we'll clear out for Samson to use at least some of the time.

Pop, I've already been thinking how I can move the stones around the tree to include it in part of the flower bed as the roots are sticking out here and there isn't much grass here. :)
From the side of the house looking back behind the privacy fence- the shed is in sad shape & needs to be replaced, but isn't that tree pretty? :) Can you see how tall the trees are? I can't wait to see how this all looks in the spring with the leaves coming back.
From the side of the house looking out towards the corner of the lot & the corner- a nice neighborhood

We went back to the house after signing the contract to pray together & thank God :). Of course while Rob & I walked around, and around, and around and talked, the boys decided to be their usual selves- clowns. Here is Robert trying to pretend to "break in" in front of the ADT security sign. Matthew was the photographer, & of course they got to plotting great poses, like the following. What's more dangerous than one teenaged boy? Two! :)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Today's :)'s

Today I am thankful for getting about (give or take a 1/2 hour) 8 hours of sleep last night. Momma, I was in bed at 9:00 to read my Bible, and drifted off sometime after 9:30ish.

I am thankful for being prequalified by a bank for a house loan today. That is an ABSOLUTE, TOTAL, & COMPLETE miracle in itself, as my family only will truly understand how far we've come in just a few years time.

I am thankful that God is in control, regardless of whether I always can see it or know it, and that even when I don't feel too good, He is still there.

He truly does stick closer than a brother, or son/daughter, or husband, or sister, or friend, or mother/father. He loves me- faults and all. I sure need that unconditional love right now it seems more lately.

Well, I'm going to go check my student's work for the day and crash again early. I am so tired and can hardly keep my eyes open.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

our yard in the fall

Fall sure comes late here in this part of North Carolina. A few photos from our yard today.

Donors Choose Project # 3

I'm not trying to annoy anyone or beg, but my 3rd homework bag proposal is about to expire. I was planning on just letting it expire, and purchasing some of the items myself as I have a few dollars here or there. I am excited though because when I checked on it today, I have had two new donors in the last few days, and it needs $355 to get funding. If you know of anyone who would like to give, please ask them to visit my proposal's site.

Anyone can give anything- even $1. Thank you for helping me help my students & families!

P.S. I should add that I now have 14 bags completed and visiting the children each weekend. The K's & 1st's are, literally, begging for the bags during the week and counting days on the calendar until Fridays. :) I have made/am making several more bags on my own (with my own funds) and have supplemented all the bags with Walmart/Dollar Tree finds and lots of self-created goodies/learning games/activities. So for any donor looking, please know that I am investing a lot of my own money, time, and effort into these. I really believe in this project & the investment in my students' learning & families' lives.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Another Sleepless Night

It's just about 6 AM, & I've just been lying here waiting for a half-decent time to just get up. I did what the dr. asked of me now for three nights in a row. Put down school work, computer work & play, reading, t.v. everything and went to bed at a decent hour. What did it get me- yet another sleepless night. The past two nights were the worst I've had in a long while.

What am I doing wrong here God? I don't understand why I can't sleep. And even with the medicine that should have knocked me out, I couldn't get to sleep and kept waking up all night.

Now I've got to drag my butt into school yet again and fake my way through. I am telling you now God, I'm going to lie all day. "Yes, I'm fine." And I know that it is wrong, and I'm asking you ahead of time to forgive me, but I am NOT discussing it with anyone. I'm not talking to anyone about this, God- not anyone. I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone, let alone try to explain what is wrong with me when I don't even understand what is wrong.

God, I must be going crazy or being punished for something, or maybe I'm dying. I don't know, but I feel awful and don't want to keep going on like this. I'm trying so hard to keep a smile on my face, show You through my tired, laugh & be happy, see the positives in life, be a light for You, and not be a "gloomy Gus," but I am failing at that too.

God, even You had a need for rest when You rested on the 7th day. Why can't I sleep God? WHY????????????????????????

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Today's thankfuls

Thank you God today for:
  • a day of rest & not going to work
  • a day with a nap to make up for less sleep last night
  • a day home with my hubby & best friend
  • a p.j. day
  • a dr. who is really taking care of me & who takes the time to sit and talk with me and listen and really cares
  • a family that loves me- though they may disagree with me
  • great kids- though they may aggravate me, they're truly great young adults!
  • a job which allows me to love little ones & provides me with a roof over my head, a warm shelter, & food to eat- even if it causes me stress, I know I'm blessed to have a job

I'm working on it God, I really am. I hope You, at least, can see & believe that I want to please You and be healthy.

Saturday, November 01, 2008


I've reached a decision about something. I have difficulty putting my views into words, and when asked about my "philosophy" on anything- well, forget it! Of course, as a teacher, that's a frequent question from administrators, professors, instructors....

But, after just over three years here in GCS, I'm ready to make one philosophical statement. As I sat in my workshop this morning (the 2nd Saturday in a row), I realized that my "philosophy" & the current one I'm seeing in this county is a mismatch. I can't figure out if it's my school, my district, my current state, or just the state of education with good ol' NCLB- which, by the way, I've decided to rename for "No Common-sense Left to Be found."

I left the workshop with some ideas, some stretching of my professionalism and level of teaching (which is always GREAT), but also feeling like a lousy teacher. There are so many things I know to do, want to do, & know that work, but in trying to do everything I'm "supposed" to do for this stupid county, my school, the powers-that-be, well at the end of the week, most weeks I just feel like I've failed.

I can hear some of my family and even my boss telling me that my less-than-best is still wonderful.... etc., etc., etc., but I am still so very, very frustrated.

I actually left today and drove home and cried all the way there thinking I should just quit being a teacher. But, I know in my heart I was meant to be a teacher. That I was wired by Him to be this and nothing else. I absolutely, with-everything-that's-in-me love my students and am so tied to so many children at my school. There is nothing else I am trained or skilled to do. Even if I did try to do something else (and I'm sure that is not what God designed me for), I couldn't make what I do now with all these years of experience and having to start over in a new field at the bottom of a pay scale. It kills me that all I really want to do is just teach my kids and help them go as far as they can go & be left alone. Why, oh why, can't I just do that?!?!

My to-do list grows exponentially daily, it seems. I work twice as hard or more just to keep my head barely above water. I hardly sit all day, and even my assistant worries and fusses at me to "slow down, Mrs. Thomas." By the end of the day & week, all I have to show for that running, hustling & bustling is a messy work space, a pile of copies to figure out & organize, a to-do list of materials to pull, make, create for the next week. And that's just the normal week. Poor Elba has to live in the same classroom with crazy, seemingly disorganized & chaotic me (and yes, I am a bit of those things, but normally not this much).

Then there are the beloved PEP's that I have to do now. I very stupidly went and told my principal how I really felt, and expressed how frustrated and tired I was. Then a few days later, she relates to me that I was in a "snit" and yeah, now I feel embarrassed, and disgusted with myself & ashamed of myself for doing what I thought was standing up for myself and my fellow K teachers. I did the stupid PEP's for kids who don't even need them (long story that only an AJE teacher would understand so I won't bore the two people who might be reading this), and got my report cards turned in two days late, and what now? Now I have a post-it note from the boss that I must do 5 more PEP's.

I am tired beyond words. I keep thinking I can't get more tired or worn out- physically, mentally, or emotionally, but then I keep going on somehow- well I know it's God, but still.
I am frustrated with myself (most of all), with coworkers, with a lot of stuff.
I am discouraged.
I am lonely- yeah, very lonely.
I am homesick.
I am sick, and sick of being sick.

I know God is bigger than all this, and to His hands I am placing my life & all this "stuff." I know He will bring me through and I will be a better person for it. Until then, I am not a very happy camper.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

I'm very excited tonight because tomorrow half my class will start taking home the weekend homework bags I've made!!!! I've worked long and hard on this from writing the grant proposals and planning it all out this summer, to assembling materials, making learning games/activities, and writing it all out, getting the bags assembled and everything ready. It's been a LOT of work, but it will be well worth it.

If you'd like to see photos of some of the bags, visit here.

I have two weeks to get the rest finished- another 10 bags! Boy will I be busy but then I'll have to just refill and check bags each week!

Happy Friday to any & all!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Barbara Gets a Haircut

Barbara has had long hair for a long time; she decided to let it keep growing & donate it to Locks of Love in honor of her grandma, a breast cancer survivor. Today she finally got it cut. WOW does she look much more grown-up and SO MUCH like her aunt!!!